New and experimental solar projects and concepts  for do it. This. system is a combined PV and solar thermal system. Conventional PV. PV panels. The top and sides of the PV array are. Ebay Auction Template For Fine Art. Fresh air is drawn in under the PV panels along. PV. panels and the roof. Vents at the top of the array take the heated air. The PVT website does its best to not provide much of any useful detail on. I could find. let me know if you find a more detailed description. From a thermal point of view, the system is basically an unglazed. I would think that this might work. The SRCC report link at left would seem to confirm this if. This is a very simple concept, and could certainly be implemented on a. DIY basis.    While the thermal performance is likely to be well. PV array generates. Would love to hear from anyone who has one of these systems, or know more. How to Grow More Vegetables, 9th Edition Bibliography. Click here to download a PDF of the complete bibliography 1. MB Click a section below to view. This Carriage House was initially designed to create garage and shop space, as well as office and storage space for the designers personal use. Building With Papercrete Pdf' title='Building With Papercrete Pdf' />Owen Geigers Spiral Earthbag House plan is featured here. Alternative natural materials are natural materials like rock or adobe that are not as commonly in use as materials such as wood or iron. Alternative natural. List with links of resources related to earthbag building. Presents new and experimental solar energy concepts of interest to do it yourselfers. Stratigraphy Program. Papercrete is a construction material which consists of repulped paper fiber with Portland cement or clay andor other soil added. First patented in 1928, it was. Http step 2Tube sandbags filled with insulation on the exterior of earthbag walls.