Azure Networking announcements for Ignite 2. Blog. Last year we committed to making it easier for customers to run their services in the public cloud. As we meet with customers from across the world a common concern voiced are the challenges of managing an ever growing portfolio of cloud based mission critical applications. Create Spf Record Microsoft Dns Server' title='Create Spf Record Microsoft Dns Server' />Windows Server 2016 is a server operating system developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems, developed concurrently with Windows 10. Important You cannot have more than one TXT record for SPF for a domain. If your domain has more than one SPF record, youll get email errors, as well as delivery. Overview of support for hosting DNS zones and records in Microsoft Azure DNS. Aim. This is a step by step howto guide to set up a mail server on a GNU Linux system. It is easy to follow, but you end up with a powerful secure mail server. Create great looking business letterhead in just a few minutes. In addition to our focus on the fundamental pillars of Security, Performance, Monitoring, Connectivity, Availability, and growing a rich partner Ecosystem, we are equally focused on simplifying the overall management of our networking services and providing you more choices to run your services in a secure and compliant manner. Here is an overview of announcements we are making at Ignite. Security. Virtual Network Service Endpoints. Azures services such as Storage and SQL have Internet facing IP addresses. Many customers would prefer that their Azure services not be exposed directly to the Internet. Virtual Network Service Endpoints extend your virtual network private address space and the identity of your VNet to Azure services. You can restrict Azure resources to only be accessed from your VNet and not via the Internet. A single click enables VNet service endpoints on a subnet. Service Endpoints are available in preview for Azure Storage and Azure SQL Database in select regions. We will be including additional Azure services to VNet Service Endpoints in the coming months. For more information see VNet Service Endpoints. VNet Service Endpoints restricts Azure services to be accessed only from a VNet DDo. S Protection for Virtual Networks. As the types and sophistication of network attacks increase, Azure provides customers with solutions to protect the security and availability of your applications. Azures basic DDo. S Protection automatically provides real time mitigation to protect Microsofts cloud using the scale and capacity of our globally deployed DDo. S infrastructure. However, your application may require finer grained policies. The new Azure DDo. S Protection service protects your application from targeted DDo. S attacks and brings additional configuration, alerting and telemetry. Continuous and automatic tuning protects your publicly accessible resources in a VNet. By profiling your applications normal traffic patterns using sophisticated machine learning algorithms to intelligently detect malicious traffic, targeted DDo. S attacks are mitigated. Seamless integration with Azure Monitor provides detailed telemetry and alerting. Azure DDo. S Protection protects publicly accessible resources in a Virtual Network. Configuring is a simple click to activate protection for new or existing VNets. Additionally, you can use Azure Application Gateway WAF to protect against application based Layer 7 attacks. DDo. S Protection complements existing Virtual Network security features such as Network Security Groups NSG for a comprehensive defense in depth security solution. For details visit DDo. S Protection webpage. Application Gateway and web application firewall enhancements. Application level load balancing and web application firewalls WAF are required for todays cloud based web applications. Azure Application Gateway provides Layer 7 Application Delivery Controller ADC service including cookie based session affinity, SSL Offload, URLHost based routing, SSL re encryption, and WAF. Application Gateways enhanced SSL policy support for cipher suite selection and priority ordering increases security and simplifies your compliance. The new ability to redirect e. HTTP to HTTPS ensures all web site traffic is encrypted. Support now for multi tenant backend entities like Azure Web Apps provides more flexibility and scalability. WAF now supports open source OWASP Mod. Security Core Rule Set 3. With the ability to enable or disable specific rules you choose the rules most relevant to your application. Integration of WAF with Azure Security Center further simplifies WAF manageability and monitoring. Simplifying Networking Security management. Network Security Groups NSGs allow you to define network security access policies based on IP addresses restricting access to and from VMs and subnets in your VNet. However, it can be cumbersome and error prone to manage complex security policies using only IP addresses. We have simplified the management of NSGs with Service Tags, Application Security Groups and enhanced NSG rule capabilities. Simpler Network Security Group management with tags, groups, and enhanced rules Service Tags Tailoring network access to specific Azure services. Azure services use public IP addresses. A VNet that wants to access services such as Storage needs to open access to all Azure public IP addresses. Maintaining these IP addresses is problematic. A service tag is a name that represents all the IP addresses for a given Azure service, either globally or regionally. For example, the service tag named Storage represents all the Azure Storage IP addresses. You can use service tags in NSG rules to allow or deny traffic to a specific Azure service by service name. The underlying IP addresses for each tag is automatically updated by the platform. The initial release includes Service Tags for Storage, SQL, and Traffic Manager. More details are available at Service Tags. Application Security Groups Network security based on user defined VM groups. Application Security Groups allow you to create your own tags that represent a group of VMs. You can use this tag in your NSGs. For example, you can create a group for all your Web. Servers or a group for your App. Servers and use these names in your security policies. More details are available at Application Security Groups. Network Security Group Augmented Rules Enhanced network security definition. Augmented Rules for Network Security Groups simplify security definitions. You can define larger, more complex network security policies with fewer rules. Multiple ports, multiple explicit IP addresses, Service Tags and Application Security Groups can all be combined into a single easily understood security rule. More details are available at NSG Augmented Rules. Performance Azure remains the fastest public cloud Azure continues to be the fastest public cloud. Performance is critical for running mission critical workloads in the cloud. Last year we introduced 2. Gbps VMs and now we are announcing 3. Gbps VMs. Create D6. Ds. 64 v. 3, E6. 4 v. Es. 64 v. 3, or M1. VMs to get 3. 0 Gbps performance with Accelerated Networking providing ultra low latency and high packet per second rates for VM to VM traffic. Accelerated Networking support has been greatly expanded to all 4 physical core VMs on Dv. Dv. 3, Ev. 2, Ev. F and M series instances for Windows and Linux. Accelerated Networking is generally available in all public regions for Windows, and weve expanded the preview of Linux support to 2. Azure Marketplace Ubuntu, SLES, and Cent. OS images now support Accelerated Networking with no manual steps. Automation for more Linux distros are coming soon. Weve been working with our partners to deliver performant network virtual appliances with fast packet processing using Data Plane Development Kit DPDK technology that provides direct access to network hardware. As announced in our Ignite session, weve been working with A1. Convert Ventura Publisher Files On A Mac. Azure using Accelerated Networking and DPDK in D series VMs and they are seeing 3. Gbps line rate with their v. Thunder appliance In A1.