List of fictional computers Wikipedia. Computers have often been used as fictional objects in literature, movies and in other forms of media. Fictional computers tend to be considerably more sophisticated than anything yet devised in the real world. Compaq Visual Fortran V6.6 Zip. Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' title='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' />This is a list of computers that have appeared in notable works of fiction. The work may be about the computer, or the computer may be an important element of the story. Only static computers are included. Robots and other fictional computers that are described as existing in a mobile or humanlike form are discussed in a separate list of fictional robots and androids. LiteratureeditBefore 1. The Machines, positronic supercomputers that manage the world in Isaac Asimovs short story The Evitable Conflict 1. MARAX MAchina RAtiocinatri. To9uJlyfQ/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' title='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' />X, the spaceship Kosmokrators AI in Stanisaw Lems novel The Astronauts 1. EPICAC, in Kurt Vonneguts Player Piano and other of his writings, EPICAC coordinates the United States economy. Named similar to ENIAC, its actually named after an over the counter poison antidote syrup which induces vomiting. Vast anonymous computing machinery possessed by the Overlords, an alien race who administer Earth while the human population merges with the Overmind. Described in Arthur C. Clarkes novel Childhoods End. The Prime Radiant, Hari Seldons desktop on Trantor in Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov 1. Mark V, a computer used by monks at a Tibetan lamasery to encode all the possible names of God which resulted in the end of the universe in Arthur C. Clarkes short story The Nine Billion Names of God 1. Karl, a computer named for Carl von Clausewitz built for analysis of military problems, in Arthur C. ZsjcpU11e8.jpg' alt='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' title='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' />BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. The following is a list of fictional prisons, asylums, institutions, planets, and alternate dimensions which have been used to imprison humans, superhumans, and. Frank Jansen 1, Tim Brandt 1, Volker Maiwaldt 1, Frdric Masson 2, Stephane Oriol 2, JeanClaude Worm 3, Emmanouil Detsis 3, Francois Lassoudierre 4, Richard. Clarkes short story The Pacifist 1. Mima, a thinking machine carrying the memories of all humanity, first appeared in Harry Martinsons Sngen om Doris och Mima 1. Aniara 1. 95. 6Gold, a supercalculator formed by the networking of all the computing machines on 9. Is there a God with Yes, now there is a God in Fredric Browns single page story Answer 1. Bossy, the cybernetic brain in the Hugo award winning novel Theyd Rather Be Right a. The Forever Machine by Mark Clifton and Frank Riley 1. The City Fathers, emotionless computer bank educating and running the City of New York in James Blishs Cities in Flight series. Wowhead-Client_4.jpg' alt='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' title='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' />Their highest ethic was survival of the city and they could overrule humans in exceptional circumstances. Multivac, a series of supercomputers featured in a number of stories by Isaac Asimov 1. The Central Computer of the city of Diaspar in Arthur C. Clarkes The City and the Stars 1. Miniac, the small computer in the book Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine, written by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams 1. Third Fleet Army Force Brain, a mythical thinking computer in the short story Graveyard of Dreams, written by H. Beam Piper evolved into the computer Merlin in later versions of the story 1. Cosmic AC, the ultimate computer at the end of time in Isaac Asimovs short story The Last Question The name is derived from Automatic Computer see also ACs ancestor, Multivac, and the contemporary UNIVAC 1. Vulcan 2 and Vulcan 3, sentient supercomputers in Philip K. Dicks novel Vulcans Hammer 1. Great Coordinator or Robot Regent, a partially to fully sentient extraterrestrial supercomputer, built to control and drive the scientifically and technologically advanced Great Arconide Empire as the Arconides have become decadent and unable to govern themselves. From the science fiction series Perry Rhodan 1. Merlin, from the H. OboTkPH4/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' title='Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Colony' />Beam Piper novel The Cosmic Computer originally Junkyard Planet 1. Simulacron 3, the third generation of a virtual reality system originally depicted in the science fiction novel Simulacron 3 a. Counterfeit World by Daniel F. Galouye 1. 96. 4 and later in film adaptations World on a Wire 1. The Thirteenth Floor 1. GENi. E GEneralized Nonlinear Extrapolator, from the Keith Laumer novel The Great Time Machine Hoax 1. Muddlehead, the sapient computer that runs the trade ship Muddlin Through in Poul Andersons stories The Trouble Twisters 1. Satans World 1. Day of Burning 1. Lodestar 1. 97. Mirkhiem 1. Colossus and Guardian Colossus is a cybernetic computer built to control the nuclear capability of the United States of North America, by Dr. Charles Forbin and his team. Colossus initiates communication with an equivalent computer in the Soviet Union, called Guardian, and the two computers eventually merge to take control of the human race. Colossus and Guardian appeared in the novel Colossus, by Dennis Feltham Jones 1. Colossus The Forbin Project 1. Colossus also appears in two subsequent novels by Jones, The Fall of Colossus 1. Colossus and the Crab. Frost, the protagonist computer in Roger Zelaznys story For a Breath I Tarry also Sol. Com, Div. Com, and Beta 1. Mycroft Holmes a. Mike, Adam Selene, in Robert A. Heinleins The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress named after Mycroft Holmes, the brother of Sherlock Holmes 1. The Ox in Frank Herberts novel Destination Void 1. Supreme, a computer filling the artificial world Primores in Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Watchers of the Dark 1. WESCAC WESt Campus Analog Computer, from John Barths Giles Goat Boy 1. The Brain, the titular logistics computer of Len Deightons novel Billion Dollar Brain 1. Moxon, a series of supercomputers that manage the efficient society in Tor ge Bringsvrds short story Codemus 1. Little Brother, a portable computer terminal similar in many ways to a modern smartphone, also from Bringsvrds Codemus 1. AM, from Harlan Ellisons short story I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream 1. The Berserkers, a vast network of autonomous machines that are programmed to destroy all life, as found in the stories of Fred Saberhagen 1. Larry Nivens short story The Soft Weapon 1. HAL 9. 00. 0, the sentient computer on board the spaceship Discovery One, in Arthur C. Clarkes novel 2. A Space Odyssey 1. Shalmaneser, from John Brunners Stand on Zanzibar, a small and possibly semi sentient supercomputer cooled in liquid helium 1. Tnkande August Swedish for Thinking August, a. The Boss, a powerful computer for solving crime in the Agaton Sax books by Swedish author Nils Olof Franzn. The Thinker, a non sentient supercomputer which has absolute control over all aspects human life, including a pre ordained death age of 2. From the novel Logans Run by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson 1. Project 7. 9, from the novel The God Machine by Martin Caidin. Set in the near future, the novel tells the story of Steve Rand, one of the brains behind Project 7. US Government project dedicated to creating artificial intelligence. ARDNEH Automatic Restoration Director National Executive Headquarters, from the Fred Saberhagens Empire of the East series 1. Fess, an antique FCC series computer that can be plugged into various bodies, in Christopher Stasheffs The Warlock in Spite of Himself 1. Uni. Comp, the central computer governing all life on Earth in This Perfect Day by Ira Levin 1. T. E. N. C. H. 8. B, supercomputer aboard the Persus 9 in A Maze of Death by Philip K. Dick 1. 97. 0Maxine, from the Roger Zelazny story My Lady of the Diodes 1. The Mller Fokker computer tapes, in The Muller Fokker Effect by John Thomas Sladek 1. HARLIE Human Aanalog Replication, Lethetic Intelligence Engine, protagonist of When HARLIE Was One by David Gerrold 1. HAARP VS THE SUN7 7 2. I heard a long, personal story of alien manipulation today. I know. for certain is true. I cant let this lay in secret because Ive seen the. The black ops ETs with IQs of between 3. Tuning occur. faster than it should and the exact moment necessary to make the earth change. Ive been told that 1. That might be all well and good in their minds to make something positive. Tuned. It ultimately means the deaths of billions of people will occur. I hate to admit that Ive heard this stuff in other places for years. My friend said that over the weekend, some. ETS who are like the US black government hijacked and arrested and held. ET she usually works with. Then they tried to manipulate her. This whole thing is related to. HAARP.  It seems that where. HAARP scientists said that they were going to bombard our own atmosphere. I dont know if you follow space. As a result, earth weather is also. Sunspots, solar storms what is going on is not just sunspots. Ive seen the photos of light perhaps lazer torpedoes. Kent Steadman has been following. We have the photographs of these torpedoes. The evidence is there for all to see. It affect both. our weather here on earth as well as communications. I dont really. personally care about the communications so much because I can live without. And this is just the beginning. A pole shift is what is being worked towards. There will. be a large increase in volcanic activity before the shift happens. It has come to my knowledge that the little greys who are scientists. They assumed all this while that because they had a hive. Sounds familiar to me thinking about. I write this too  Because they are beholden. Meanwhile, since this weekend event occurred, there is a lot of thought. This is the awakening that the ETs are. Because these crafts are so large and take so much metal. They are. careful to make sure there are are no animals or other life on these planets. The Native Americans were well. Africa. Why werent the ETs aware of this Or were they so scientific. These questions need to be addressed soon or this program has basically. Now that the psychics are aware of what is going on with. Their eyes. have been opened to the truth. This crop glyph appeared in a field in Henwood nr Eastmeonm Hampshire. UKthe very morning. I wrote this page. This proves to me that the. Vigay for this picture. The Ageless Wisdom tells us that the Sun, as all life, has three aspects the. Physical Sun, the Heart of the Sun and the Central Spiritual Sun. This idea may be made clearer if we consider the fact that the Physical Sun. Heart of the Sun is to soulconsciousness. Central Spiritual Sun is to Life There has been much published on HAARP and its purposes. There is no way. a small group of people can be effective against HAARP, nor is. HAARP no, but on the effects HAARP  and. I hate to say it, but I captured the Moscow chart on the 8th of July. I looked at it again on the 9th, it looked completely different. Of course they arent going to say all the dangerous stuff going on. Ive already written. An e mail received 7 7 0. PSTRecall if you will that AL BIELEK. AUGUST. 1. 2 2. 00. This is because of a rip in the SPACE TIME CONTINUUM that occurred. PHILADELPHIA. EXPERIMENT that occurred on AUGUST 1. Then there are harmonic rifts that will occur right up until 2. Perhaps something might happen on August 1. At least immediately. Then again we might be very aware of it. According to BIELEK there was another. TIMEWAVE EVENT that. August 1. 2 1. 98. I believe that was the date that he and his brother. Where Dr. Von Neuman was waiting for them. According. to Bielek that Dr. Von. Neuman didnt die in 1. I have all of Bieleks video tapes. Recall that he said in 1. WORLD. WAR III would start in 2. And it would go NUCLEAR in 2. Bielek was. given this information by some FUTURIONS that he encountered in the year. Its interesting that in 1. WORLD WAR THREE would start. And go ATOMIC in the year 2. No doubt it will be very interesting to see if BIELEKS predictions come. Download Anime Bakemonogatari Kuro. I dont think there is any doubt that WORLD WAR THREE has started. It. most definitely has. Its Just that the POOR SHEEPLE havent found out as. Re Question for Dr. Tom Bearden 72. 10. With. so many nations 1. EM wave weapons, I would not. Longitudinal EM waves can deeply penetrate right through. With all the banging thats going. God only knows how many LW antennas get pointed. Original Message To Intermediary. Sent Sunday, July 2. AMQuestion for Dr. Tom Under what superpotential conditions can the sun be triggered from earth Data http www. Kent. MASER WEAPONS. Playstation 2 Usb Driver Download. QUANTUM POTENTIAL. Short conversation between Kent and Dee on 7 7 0. Kent well yea, for one thing we have those damned torpedoes spearing. I dont think they are comets because we see them rising from. Sao Paulo. RAYTHEON country. Kent more like plasma sparks Dee. ARE damaging the sun Kent 520. Please forward to Grateful Deb. Your vision is very much in alignment. There are experiments being played out as we speak, by. Reptilian Races. In 1. Maryland compiled a program to shoot. Is. this itSCIENTISTS. IMAGE THE THREE DIMENSIONAL SURFACE OF THE SUN  LAUREL, Maryland. June 1. 7, 2. 00. Solar physicists from. Lockheed. Martin Corporation. Warheads into the sun. Kent my source is standing right here and has seen as well as first hand. Lockheed. Martin Martian in 1. This person is a former employee of Lockheed Martin and. Loosely defined at Sao Paolo, Brazilrather looks like an aircraft carrier shooting off a rocket Click on balls for new pages on Torpedoes. LAR TORPEDOES HARPY TORPEDOES ARISING FROM EARTHFORUMSigh, as usual Just as we have a chance to see the TORPEDO up close. C2 feeds have been pulled at, least for now, with the clock showing 0. UTC And the. C2 indicating. MINI RANT. sequence, the two SOLAR TORPEDOES line astern plowing into the sun, is. FIRST torp event and the only full feed allowed. But shortly after this. SOHO spacecraft for months By the way I saw that torp. CNN. Had I not been there live I doubt the event would remain in archive. As it was NASA surrounded the incident with really questionable spin. Latest Image. From LASCOSolar. Torpedo. Red Torpedo. Anna Hayes Ashayana Deane states in her book. II, page 2. 50, Second Edition 2. We are presently under a state of covert global and galactic war, a. How can. I make such an apparently threatening and most unwelcome statement while. I can. make this statement as a calm statement of fact because I have been. September 1. 2, 2. Anunnaki legions not only defected. Treaty of Altair, but they subsequently. Drakonian Agenda legions. Necromiton Andromies instigation of forming. United Intruder Resistance UIR. As. One World Order Earth dominion. Fallen Angelic groups, the Necromiton. Density 3 Andromeda, the beloved Andromies who have been in contact. UFO Movement, opened negotiations between. Fallen Angelic collectives, successfully bringing most of team. Emerald Covenant peace. On September 1. 2, 2. Guardian Alliance was given the ultimatum. Grail Line Indigo Children be evacuated out, then the. UIR. Unfortunately, the UIR races intended to instigate pole shift on Earth. Earth. to survive just long enough to be used to access Earth Star Gate opening. Chosen Ones would be destroyed. On behalf of humanity, the Founders, the Guardian Alliance, the Mahariaji. Sirius B, the sirian council, the Lyran High Council and. Emerald Covenant races in our 1. Dimensional Time Matrix.