What to do if your i. Phone sound isnt working or sounds muffled. How to Get Ringtones for the iPhone. This wikiHow teaches you how to purchase an iPhone ringtone from the iTunes Store, as well as how to create a ringtone from scratch. G 3. 5 in 89 mm 32 aspect ratio, scratchresistant glossy glass covered screen, 262,144color TN LCD, 480 320 px at 163 ppi, 2001 contrast ratio. Ringtones 500000 offers two distinct approaches to custom ringtones it both lets you create your own and download premade tones. As the name suggests, you can. Want to transfer ringtones that you make from computer to your iPhone X8766s Read this tutorial and learn how to sync iPhone ringtones with or without iTunes. HIS VIDEO IS OLD, THERE ARE LIKELY BETTEREASIER WAYS TO DO THIS NOW This video shows the default ringtones on the iPhone. How Do You Download Ringtones To Your Iphone 5' title='How Do You Download Ringtones To Your Iphone 5' />Your i. Phone, i. Pad, or i. Pod touch all have a built in speaker system that allows you to hear sounds when you play videos, music, or take phone calls. Although some devices have more speakers than others, thats not to say that you will never have a problem with any of them. Speakers may malfunction, or user error may lead to problems with the devices settings that make sound inaudible. In this tutorial, well give you some troubleshooting tips to follow if you cant hear the sound coming out of your i. OS device. Some reasons you cant hear your i. OS device how to fix. Boris Fx 10 Serial Crack'>Boris Fx 10 Serial Crack. There are a myriad of reasons why you might be experiencing issues hearing your i. Phone, whether its related to ringtones, videos and music, or it sounds muffled. Well try to cover a few main aspects of why this happens, and then well give you some tips on how to troubleshoot. Some of the reasons you might be experiencing sound issues are Your i. Phone may be stuck in silent mode. Problem If your i. Phone is in silent mode, then you might not be able to hear your ringtones and other notification sounds when people are trying to get in touch with you. Fix You can put your i. Phone back into ringer mode by using the ringersilent switch on the side of your i. Phone. Some i. Pad models also have this same switch, so this tip could also very well relate to i. Pad users. Your devices ringer volume could be all the way down. Problem If your ringtones, text tones, and other sounds arent sounding when you get a notification, but your videos and music are playing at a normal volume, then this means your ringer volume is turned all the way down and your media volume is turned up. These are two separate settings in i. OSFix To adjust your ringer volume, simply adjust the volume with the volume buttons while no media is playing, or instead, go to Settings Sounds and drag the ringer and alerts volume slider to the desired level. Your devices media volume could be all the way down. Problem If you cant seem to hear music and videos, but your ringtone is loud and clear, then thats because your ringer volume is turned up, but your devices separate media volume level may be turned all the way down. Fix You can adjust your devices media volume separately from the ringer volume by dragging the volume slider in Control Center. Dust may be obstructing your devices speaker. Problem If you use your i. OS devices in a dirty environment, check the speaker for obstructions like dirt and grime. These things can easily get into the speaker grille of your device and muffle sounds. One of the key indicators of a problem like this is when your devices sounds sounds distorted or muffled rather than clear and you dont have a case on. Fix Cleaning out your devices speaker grille can be a tedious task, but Apple recommends that you should always use a soft bristled brush. Personally, I have good luck being extremely careful and using a toothpick. Full Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Not only is it nice and small and can get into the Lightning port and speaker grille easily, but it is effective at removing obstructions. If you choose to disobey Apples recommendation like I do, you do so at your own risk however. Your case may be obstructing your devices speaker. Problem Some protective cases that you use with your i. Phone may be obstructing the noise and giving it the effect of playing sound under water since the sound waves have nowhere to go. Some highly protective cases are known for causing muffling because you trade off your user experience for protection, but never rule out that your case could be the problem. Fix To see if your case is causing the problem, remove it and try to listen to the sound again. If it still sounds muffled or distorted, then the dust idea above may be your culprit rather than the case itself. If its the case, you either need to find a new brand, go without a case, or go deal with the problem. Your Bluetooth headset may be connected. Problem If you occasionally use a Bluetooth headset with your i. Phone, then your i. Phone is set to automatically connect to it when its in range. When it connects, i. OS automatically uses Air. Play mirroring to direct all sound to the Bluetooth headset. In this scenario, what can happen is if you leave home without your Bluetooth headset, your sound might work great when youre out and about, but when you come back home, sound might start to route to the Bluetooth headset instead of through your i. Phone, giving you the illusion that theres no sound because the i. Phone is routing sound to the Bluetooth headset that youre not using instead. Fix You can either turn Bluetooth off when youre not using the Bluetooth headset, or you can turn off the Air. Play connection between your i. Phone and the Bluetooth headset. Since I use an Apple Watch, turning off Bluetooth isnt really an option for me. Instead, I just open Control Center, tap on the Air. Play button, and choose the i. Phone speaker instead of the Bluetooth headset, and this makes the sound work right on my i. Phone again. Other possible fixes for sound issues. If any of the above issues didnt relate to you, then there are some other things you can do to try and fix your sound woes. Among those are Turn your device off and on again. Neo Sans Std Light'>Neo Sans Std Light. If its a software glitch, which can happen from time to time, you might be able to fix it by simply turning your device off and on again. Typically, a hard reset is the best, which can be done by pressing and holding the power and Home button for 1. Phone reboots. Restore to the latest version of i. OSIt could be that something in the i. OS software itself has become corrupted and installing a fresh updated copy of i. OS could solve the problem by putting all your settings back in check. Connect a headset and see if sound works If you cant hear anything with the built in speakers after trying all of the above steps, but are able to hear sounds via the headset when a headset is connected, whether by way of the 3. Bluetooth connection, there could be a problem with your built in speakers. If you believe an issue is tied to the built in speakers, then you will most likely have to visit an Apple Store to have your speaker serviced. If the device is under warranty, it should be replaced for free. Otherwise, you may be facing a bench and labor charge. Conclusion. Speaker issues can occur without warning, but being armed with the knowledge to handle them can help you to troubleshoot these kinds of issues. Have you ever experienced sound issues on your i.