Vist. A Wikipedia. This article is about the health information system developed by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. For other uses, see Vista disambiguation. The Vist. A Computerized Patient Record System CPRS cover sheet view. The Veterans Information Systems and Technology Architecture VISTA is a nationwide information system and Electronic Health Record EHR developed by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA. FILExt. com is the file extension source. Here youll find a collection of file extensions many linked to the programs that created the files. This is the FILExt home. The PC Pitstop File Extension Library can be used to find a program that can open your email attachement or another unkown file type. PC Pitstop offers free computer. BitZipper today. Open a multitude of compressed files like ZIP, ZIPX and RAR Reduce file sizes more than standard ZIP files with ZIPX. Welcome to the website for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Point of Sale System POS. Lua is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license reproduced here. Lua may be used for any purpose, including commercial purposes, at absolutely no. What is Free File Viewer Sometimes, you just need a tool or program to quickly open and view certain files without having to install cumbersome software to access them. What is Parallels Tools Center Parallels Tools Center is part of the software Parallels Desktop, which is software from Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. This is a resource directory on where to find information and tools to View, Merge, Extract and Convert PostScript files. The article is divided in the following. Unless otherwise noted, all content onOpen Oregon Educational Resources is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4. International License. Program To Open Pbm File' title='Program To Open Pbm File' />VISTA consists of over 1. The U. S. Congress has mandated the VA keep the veterans health record in a single, authoritative, lifelong system in VISTA. Over 6. 5 of all physicians trained in the U. S. rotate through the VHA, making VISTA the most familiar EHR in the U. S. The Vist. A system is highly rated by physicians, receiving the highest overall score in Medscape surveys of over 1. VISTA supports the clinical, administrative, and financial operations of over 1. Veterans Health Administration VHA. The VHA is the largest integrated health delivery network in the United States,3 providing care for over 8 million veterans by 1. U. S., Alaska, and Hawaii in a single, integrated national healthcare network. ON June 5, 2. United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs. David Shulkin announced that the VAs electronic medical recordkeeping will be subsumed into the Department of Defenses Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application AHLTA system, with the work contracted out to Cerner. FeatureseditThe Department of Veterans Affairs VA has had automated data processing systems, including extensive clinical and administrative capabilities, within its medical facilities since before 1. Initially called the Decentralized Hospital Computer Program DHCP information system, DHCP was enshrined as a recipient of the Computerworld Smithsonian Award for best use of Information Technology in Medicine in 1. Vist. A supports both ambulatory and inpatient care, and includes several significant enhancements to the original DHCP system. The most significant is a graphical user interface for clinicians known as the Computerized Patient Record System CPRS, which was released in 1. In addition, Vist. A includes computerized order entry, bar code medication administration, electronic prescribing, and clinical guidelines. CPRS provides a clientserver interface that allows health care providers to review and update a patients electronic medical record. This includes the ability to place orders, including those for medications, special procedures, X rays, nursing interventions, diets, and laboratory tests. CPRS provides flexibility in a wide variety of settings so that a consistent, event driven, Windows style interface is presented to a broad spectrum of health care workers. Clinical FunctionseditAdmission Discharge Transfer ADTAmbulatory Care Reporting. Anticoagulation Management Tool AMTAutomated Service Connected Designation ASCDBeneficiary Travel. Blind Rehabilitation. Care Management. Clinical Case Registries. Clinical Procedures. ClinicalHealth Data Repository CHDRComputerized Patient Record System CPRSCPRS Adverse Reaction Tracking ARTCPRS Authorization Subscription Utility ASUCPRS Clinical Reminders. CPRS ConsultRequest Tracking. CPRS Health Summary. CPRS Problem List. CPRS Text Integration Utility TIUDentistry. Electronic Wait List Pharm National Drug File NDFEmergency Department Integration Software EDISFunctional Independence Measurement FIMGroup Notes Primary Care Management Module PCMMHDR Historical HDR HxHome Based Primary Care HBPCHome Telehealth. Immunology Case Registry ICRIncomplete Records Tracking IRTIntake and Output Scheduling. Laboratory Shift Handoff Tool. Laboratory Anatomic Pathology. Laboratory Blood Bank. Laboratory Blood Bank Workarounds. General Knowledge Quiz Questions And Answers. Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange LEDILaboratory Emerging Pathogens Initiative EPILaboratory Howdy Computerized Phlebotomy Login Process. Laboratory National Laboratory Tests NLT Documents and LOINC Request Form. Laboratory Point of Care POCLaboratory Universal Interface. Laboratory Vist. A Blood Establishment Computer Software VBECSLexicon Utility. Medicine. Mental Health YSMethicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus MRSAMobile Electronic Documentation MEDNationwide Health Information Network Adapter NHINNursing. Nutrition and Food Service NFSOncology. Patient Appointment Info. Transmission PAITPatient Assessment Documentation Package PADPPatient Care Encounter PCEPatient Record Flags. Pharm Automatic Replenish Ward Stock ARWSPharm Bar Code Medication Administration BCMAPharm Benefits Management PBMPharm Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy. Pharm Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy. Pharm Controlled Substances. Pharm Data Management PDMPharm Drug Accountability. Pharm Inpatient Medications. Pharm Outpatient Pharmacy. Pharm Prescription Practices PPPProsthetics. Quality Audiology and Speech Analysis and Reporting QUASARRadiology Nuclear Medicine. RAIMDSRemote Order Entry System ROESSocial Work. Spinal Cord Dysfunction. Standards Terminology Services STSSurgery. Traumatic Brain Injury TBIVirtual Patient Record. Vist. A Imaging System. Vist. AWeb. Visual Impairment Service Team VISTVitals Measurements. Womens Health. Financial Administrative FunctionseditAccounts Receivable ARAuto Safety Incident Surv Track System ASISTSAutomated Information Collection System AICSAutomated Medical Information Exchange AMIEClinical Monitoring System Integrated Billing IBCompensation Pension Record Interchange CAPRICurrent Procedural Terminology CPT Library. Decision Support System DSS Extracts. Diagnostic Related Group DRG Grouper. Electronic Claims Management Engine ECMEEngineering AEMS MERS Police and Security. Enrollment Application System Quality Management Integration Module. Equipment Turn In Request. Event Capture Release of Information ROI Manager. Fee Basis. Fugitive Felon Program FFPGeneric Code Sheet GCSHealth Eligibility Center HECHospital Inquiry HINQICD 9 CMIncident Reporting. Income Verification Match IVMIntegrated Patient Funds. Occurrence Screen. Patient Representative. Personnel and Accounting Integrated Data PAIDRecord Tracking. Veterans Identification Card VICPICSVoluntary Service System VSSWeb. HRWounded Injured and Ill Warriors. Infrastructure FunctionseditCapacity Management Tools. Duplicate Record Merge Patient Merge Name Standardization. Electronic Error and Enhancement Reporting E3. REnterprise Exception Log Service EELSFat. KAATFile. Man. File. Man Delphi Components FMDCHealth Data Informatics. Health Level 7 HL7 Vist. A MessagingInstitution File Redesign IFRKAAJEEKernel. Kernel Delphi Components KDCKernel Toolkit. Kernel Unwinder. List Manager. M to M Broker. Mail. Man. Master Patient Index MPIMedical Domain Web Services MDWS MWVS2National Online Information Sharing NOISNational Patch Module. Network Health Exchange NHEPatient Data Exchange PDXRemote Procedure Call RPC Broker. Resource Usage Monitor. Single SignonUser Context SSOUCSlot. Master Kernel ZSLOTSQL Interface SQLIStandard Files and Tables. Statistical Analysis of Global Growth SAGGSurvey Generator. System Toolkit STKVist. A Data Extraction Framework VDEFVist. ALink. XML Parser Vist. APatient Web Portal FunctionseditClinical Information Support System CISSElectronic Signature ESig Person Services. Healthe. Vet Web Services Client HWSC Registries.