How to determine what services are running under a SVCHOST. EXE process. Table of Contents. RYo.png' alt='Running .Exe' title='Running .Exe' />Running .ExeIntroduction. Determining the services running under a SVCHOST. EXE process using Process Explorer. Determining the services running under a SVCHOST. EXE process using Task. List. Determining the services running under a SVCHOST. EXE process in Windows Vista and Windows 7. Determining the services running under a SVCHOST. EXE process in Windows 8. Run. exe is not essential for Windows 1087XP and will often cause problems. Click here to see what run is doing, and how to remove run. I want to know how i can check a program in a specific location if it is running. For example there are two locations for test. Tech and Science topics phones, computers, gadgets, and the Internet, astronomy earth science, climate weather, environment green living and much more. Youre probably reading this article because youre frustrated with that CCC. Task Manager, and youd like to know how to get rid of it. Advanced Information about SVCHOST. EXEConclusion. Watch the Windows XP SVCHOST companion video here Watch the Windows Vista and Windows 7 SVCHOST companion video here Introduction. A very common question we see here at Bleeping Computer involves people concerned that there are too many SVCHOST. EXE processes running on their computer. The confusion typically stems from a lack of knowledge about SVCHOST. Running .Exe' title='Running .Exe' />EXE, its purpose, and Windows services in general. This tutorial will clear up this confusion and provide information as to what these processes are and how to find out more information about them. Wipe File Portable Download. Before we continue learning about SVCHOST, lets get a small primer on Windows services. Services are Windows programs that start when Windows loads and that continue to run in the background without interaction from the user. For those familiar with UnixLinux operating systems, Windows services are similar to nix daemons. For the most part Windows services are executable. EXE files, but some services are DLL files as well. As Windows has no direct way of executing a DLL file it needs a program that can act as a launcher for these types of programs. In this situation, the launcher for DLL services is SVCHOST. EXE, otherwise known as the Generic Host Process for Win. Services. Each time you see a SVCHOST process, it is actually a process that is managing one or more distinct Windows DLL services. Outlined below are three methods, depending on your Windows version, to see what services a SVCHOST. EXE process is controlling on your computer as well as some advanced technical knowledge about svchost for those who are interested. Determining the services running under a SVCHOST. Some function keys or keyboard shortcuts do not work correctly on a computer that is running Windows 7. Basic usage. The normal way to run an application you have compiled with Mono would be to invoke it through the Mono runtime, like this mono myprogram. EXE process using Process Explorer. Process Explorer, from Sysinternals, is a process management program that allows you to see the running processes on your computer and a great deal of information about each process. One of the nice features of Process Explorer is that it also gives you the ability to see what services a particular SVCHOST. EXE process is controlling. First you need to download Process Explorer from the following site Process Explorer. Download the file and save it to your hard drive. When it has finished downloading, extract the file into its own folder and double click on the procexp. If this is your first time running the program, it will display a license agreement. Agree to the license agreement and the program will continue. When it is finished loading you will be presented with a screen containing all the running processes on your computer as shown in the figure below. Remember that the processes you see in this image will not be the same as what is running on your computer. Process Explorer Screen. Scroll through the list of processes until you see the SVCHOST. EXE processes. To find out which services are running within a particular SVCHOST. EXE process we need to examine the properties for the process. To do this double click SVCHOST. EXE entry in Process Explorer and you will see the properties screen for the process like in the image below. SVCHOST. EXE Properties. Finally, to view the services running in this process, click on the Services tab. You will now see a screen similar to the one below. Services Tab. This window displays the services that are being managed by this particular SVCHOST. EXE process. As you can see the SVCHOST. EXE that we are currently looking at in this tutorial is managing the DCOM Server Process Launcher and Terminal Services. Using this method you can determine what services a SVCHOST. EXE process is controlling on your computer. Determining the services running under a SVCHOST. EXE process using Task List. For those who like to tinker around in a Windows command promptconsole window, and have Windows XP Pro or Windows 2. Windows program called tasklist. To use task list to see the services that a particular SVCHOST. EXE process is loading, just follow these steps. Click on the Start button and then click on the Run menu command. In the Open field type cmd and press enter. You will now be presented with a console window. At the command prompt type tasklist svc fi imagename eq svchost. You will see a list of the processes on your computer as well as the services that a SVCHOST. EXE process is managing. This can be seen in the image below. Task. List svc output. When you are done examining the output, you can type exit and press the enter key to close the console window. Determining the services running under a SVCHOST. EXE process in Windows Vista and Windows 7. Windows Vista and Windows 7 have enhanced their Windows Task Manager and one of its features allows us to easily see what services are being controlled by a particular SVCHOST. EXE process. To start, simply start the task manager by right clicking on the task bar and then selecting Task Manager. When Task Manager opens click on the Processes tab. You will now be presented with a list of processes that your user account has started as shown in the image below. Windows 7s Current User Processes. We, though, need to see all of the processes running on the computer. Ca Drivers License Numbers Formatted. To do this click on the button labeled Show All Processes. When you do this, Windows may prompt you to allow authorization to see all the processes as shown below. Show all Processes Confirmation. Press the Continue button and the Task Manager will reload, but this time showing all the processes running in the operating system. Scroll down through the list of processes until you see the SVCHOST processes as shown in the image below. All Windows 7 Processes. Right click on a SVCHOST process and select the Go to Services menu option. You will now see a list of services on your computer with the services that are running under this particular SVCHOST process highlighted. Now you can easily determine what services a particular SVCHOST process is running in Windows Vista or Windows 7. Determining the services running under a SVCHOST. EXE process in Windows 8. The Windows 8 Task Manager makes it much easier to find what services are running under a particular SVCHOST. To access the Task Manager, type Task Manager from the Windows 8 Start Screen and then click on the Task Manager option when it appears in the search results. This will open the basic Task Manager as shown in the screenshot below. Tip You can also use the CtrlShiftEsc keyboard combination to automatically open the Task Manager from any screen in Windows. To see the list of processes, click on the More details option. Scroll down until you see the Windows Processes category and look for the Service Host entries as shown in the image below. Inside Edition Interview Fualaau. Next to each Service Host row process will be a little arrow. Click on this arrow to expand that particular Service Host entry to see what services are running under it. Under the expanded Service Host, you will now see the list of services that is running under it. This allows you to easily determine what services a particular SVCHOST process is managing in Windows 8. Advanced Information about SVCHOST. EXE. Now that we know that a single SVCHOST.