Scratch programming language Wikipedia. Scratch. Paradigm. Event driven, block based programming language. Developer. MIT Media Lab Lifelong Kindergarten Group. Data Precision 3500 Manual Arts. First appeared. 20. Scratch 2. 0Typing discipline. Dynamic. Implementation language. Squeak Scratch 0. Action. Script Scratch 2. HTML5 Scratch 3. OSWindows, mac. OS, Linux. The highly customizable, performance driven, home screen Accept no substitutes Nova Launcher is the top launcher for modern Android, embracing full. New features in version 1. Ebay Auction Template For Fine Art'>Ebay Auction Template For Fine Art. Stitch directly from a video only on Windows 7 Automatic lens vignette removal Improved blending engine Options dialog to. Free Download Microsoft. NET Framework 4. 7. Microsofts programming infrastructure for developing and launching Windows apps that use. NET techno. Scratch 1.4 1 Free DownloadLicense. GPLv. 2 and Scratch Source Code License. Filename extensions. Scratch 0. x. sb,. Scratch 1. x. sb. Scratch 2. 0Websitescratch. Major implementations. Scratch. Influenced by. Logo, Smalltalk, Hyper. Card, Star. Logo, Agent. Sheets, Etoys. Influenced. Scratch Jr, Snap Scratch is a freevisual programming language and online community used by millions of children around the world. With Scratch, children can create their own interactive stories, then share and discuss their creations with one another. Developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab1 to help children ages 8 and up learn to think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively. Scratch is translated into 7. Scratch is often used in teaching coding, computer science, and computational thinking. Teachers also use it as a creative tool across many other subjects including math, science, history, geography, and art. As of late 2. 01. Scratch online community and more than 2. The blocks based grammar of Scratch has influenced many other programming environments and is now considered a standard for introductory coding experiences for children. Origin of nameeditScratching is a technique used by disc jockeys to mix music clips together in creative ways and produce different sound effects by manipulating vinyl records on a turntable. Scratch takes its name from this technique, as it lets users mix together different media including graphics, sound and other programs in creative ways. PhilosophyeditScratch encourages the sharing, reuse and combination of code. It also gives credit to the participant who built on the original work and to the participant who created the original program. It is part of a research to design new technologies to enhance learning in after school centers and other informal education settings, and broaden opportunities for youth from under represented groups who can become designers and inventors. Scratch was iteratively developed based on ongoing interaction with youth and staff at Computer Clubhouses. The use of Scratch at Computer Clubhouses served as a model for other after school centers demonstrating how informal learning settings can support the development of technological fluency, enabling young people to design and program projects that are meaningful to themselves and their communities. HistoryeditThe MIT Media Labs Lifelong Kindergarten group, led by Mitchel Resnick, in partnership with the Montreal based consulting firm, the Playful Invention Company, co founded by Brian Silverman and Paula Bonta, together developed the first desktop only version of Scratch in 2. Its purpose was to aid young people, mainly for ages 8 and up, to learn programming. The new Scratch homepage skin. Scratch 2 was released on May 9, 2. With its introduction, custom blocks can be defined within projects. As of 2. Scratch 2 is available online and as an application for Windows, mac. OS, Linux Adobe Air Required, and unofficially for Android as an apk file. The Scratch 2. 0 Offline editor can be downloaded for Windows, Mac and Linux directly from Scratchs website. However, the unofficial mobile version must be downloaded from the Scratch forums. Scratch 3 is in development and an alpha version is expected by the first quarter of 2. It is being written in HTML5 and will primarily use the Web. GL, Web Workers and Web Audio Javascript APIs. The development is currently taking place in Git. Hub. 1. 1 There is a Scratch editor available online. Educational useeditScratch was made popular in the United Kingdom through Code Clubs. Scratch is used as the introductory language because creation of interesting programs is relatively easy, and skills learned can be applied to other basic programming languages such as Python and Java. Scratch is not exclusively for creating games. With the provided visuals, programmers can create animated stories, informational texts, and more. There are already many programs which students can use to learn topics in math, history, and even photography. Scratch flexibility allows teachers to create conceptual and visual lessons and science lab assignments, as Scratch is a useful tool to create animations that help visualize difficult concepts such as plant cell mitosis, the water cycle, Galileo Thermometer or Hookes Law Experiment. Within the social sciences, instructors can create quizzes, games, and tutorials that stimulate the mind and interact with the student. Using Scratch allows young people to understand the logic of programming and how to creatively build and collaborate. Scratch lets students create meaningful personal as well as educational projects which gives students a practical tool to express themselves after learning to use the language. Harvard University lecturer Dr. David J. Malan prefers using Scratch over commonly used introductory programming languages, such as Java or C, in his introductory computer science course. However, there is a limited benefit in a college level education. Malan switches his courses language to C after the first week. User interfaceedit. Scratch 2. 0 development environment and its different areas at startup. From left to right, in the upper left area of the screen, there is a stage area, featuring the results i. The stage uses x and y coordinates, with 0,0 being the stage center. The stage is 4. 80 pixels wide, and 3. There are many ways to create personal sprites and backgrounds. First, users can draw their own sprite manually with Paint Editor provided by Scratch. Second, users can choose a Sprite from the Scratch library that contains default sprite, users past creations, a picture using a camera, or clip art. With a sprite selected in the bottom left area of the screen, blocks of commands can be applied to it by dragging them from the Blocks Palette onto the right area of the screen, containing all the scripts associated with the selected sprite. Under the Scripts tab, all available blocks are listed and categorized as the Motion, Looks, Sound, Pen, Data, Events, Control, Sensing, Operators, and More Blocks as shown in the table below. Each can also be individually tested under different conditions and parameters via double click. Category. Notes  Category. Notes Motion. Moves sprites and changes angles and change X and Y values   Events. Contains event handlers placed on the top of each group of blocks Looks. Controls the visuals of the sprite attach speech or thought bubble, change of background, enlarge or shrink, transparency, shade Control. Conditional if else statement, forever, repeat, and stop Sound. Plays audio files and programmable sequences Sensing. Sprites can interact with the surroundings the user has created Pen. Draw on the portrait by controlling pen width, color, and shade. Allows for turtle graphics. Operators. Mathematical operators, random number generator, and or statement that compares sprite positions Data. Variable and List usage and assignment More Blocks. Custom procedures blocks and external devices control and can import from Pico. Board or Lego We.