Loestrin Birth Control Pill Information. Table Of Contents. What is Loestrin Birth Control. Loestrin birth control is a contraceptive pill that women take to prevent getting pregnant. It is an estrogen and progestin combination drug which has female hormones that prevent ovulation the release of an egg from an ovary. Loestrin also increases the thickness of vaginal fluid to help prevent fertilization the sperm reaching an egg. In addition, birth control pills also change the lining of the uterus to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. A fertilized egg passes out of the body if it is unable to attach to the uterus. Loestrin birth control might also be used for functions not listed in this medication guide. Other Names for Loestrin Ethinyl Estradiol Norethindrone Loestrin generic, Loestrin 2. Loestrin Fe, Lo Loestrin Fe. Important information. Consult with a doctor before taking birth control pills. Menstrual suppression, sometimes called skipping your period, is a way of using certain types of hormonal birth control to avoid having monthly bleeding. With. Especially if you have recently had a baby, are pregnant, or are planning to have a baby. You must not take Loestrin if you are 3. Consult with your doctor for alternative solutions. Do not take birth control pills, including Loestrin, if any of these are a concern Uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, a blood clotting disorder, circulation issues, diabetic issues with your eyes or kidneys, unusual vaginal bleeding, liver disease or liver cancer, acute migraine headaches, or if youve ever had breast or uterine cancer, jaundice due to birth control pills, a heart attack, a stroke, or a blood clot. Taking birth control pills, especially while smoking, can raise your risk of heart attack, stroke, or blood clots, in case you are heavy, or particularly when youve certain other conditions. Taking Loestrin pills does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Programming Ruby 1.9 &Amp on this page. What to know before taking Loestrin birth control pills. Taking birth control pills can raise your risk of heart attack, stroke, or blood clots. Youre more at risk if you smoke or have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol. As mentioned above, consult your doctor before taking Loestrin birth control pills. Using Birth Control Patch Skip Period While BreastfeedingYou should not take birth control pills if you are 3. If any of the above are true, speak to your doctor before taking birth control pills. You should also not take birth control pills if you have any of the following gallbladder diseaseuncontrolled or untreated high blood pressuretuberculosiscirculation problems or blood clotting disorderdiabetesliver cancer or liver diseasevaricose veins andor high blood pressureunderactive thyroida history of abnormal mammogram, lumps, fibrocystic breast disease or nodulesproblems with kidneys, eyes or circulation caused by diabetessevere migraine headachesheart diseasehistory of irregular menstrual cycles. Birth control pills can also be passed through breast milk, and slow down the production of breast milk, sodo not use birth control while breast feeding a baby. If youll be on bed rest or require medical tests or surgery, you may have to discontinue using the pills for a brief time. Using Birth Control Patch Skip Period With NuvaringEverything you need to know about Loestrin Birth Control. Important information, instructions, usage guidelines, and Loestrin side effects. Menstrual cups are often a cheaper alternative than tampons, liners, and pads, but they dont always fit perfectly out of the box. Before you toss yours and shell. The Surgeon or any Physician who treats you should be made aware that youre using birth control pills. Please note that the above is not a complete list of reasons to avoid taking birth control. Consult your physician or doctor for medical advice before taking any form of birth control. How to take Loestrin pills. Before taking any medication, follow the directions from your physician and on the prescription label. You may have to use backup birth control when you begin taking this pill. Talk to your physician about which day is best for you to start taking Loestrin pills. It is important to take it at the same time every day 2. Take the first Loestrin tablet in the pack on the first Sunday following the beginning of your menstrual period or on the first day of your period. Pick a time that you are able to take the pill consistently every day and that you will easily remember for example 8pm after dinner each day. Take one pill each day until the pack is empty. Then start a new pack the very next day so that no days pass without taking a pill. Loestrin 2. 4 comes with 2. Loestrin 2. 4 blue pills are active combination pills progestin and estrogen. The 2 white pills are also active but only contain the estrogen. The last 2 brown pills are reminder pills with no active medication. They are there to remind you to keep taking a pill every day. Tell your physician if bleeding is quite significant or if it occurs at unexpected times throughout the month. Inform your doctor and use a backup birth control if you experience diarrhea or acute vomiting these symptoms can prevent birth control pills from working. Since a prescription is required, youll need to see your physician regularly while taking birth control pills. What if you missed a Loestrin pill If you missed a Loestrin pill, your actions will depend on the brand youre using, how many pills youve missed, and how far into the birth control package you are. Be aware that if you forget a birth control pill, you may have a chance of becoming pregnant. Follow the patient instructions supplied with your medication or ask your doctor or pharmacist the best way to proceed for your specific body. Below is a guideline to follow if you missed a Loestrin pill If you missed one Loestrin 2. Take the missed pill as soon as you can and then take the next pill at your usual time. This may mean you take two pills in one day. If you missed two Loestrin 2. Your menstrual cycle will likely be thrown off. Expert Reviewed. wiki How to Skip a Period. Three Methods Choosing a Method Using Birth Control Pills Using the NuvaRing Community QA. A monthly period is a. See the mechanics, side effects, and failure rates for common birth control methods in this illustrated slideshow from WebMDs medical editors. Withdrawal, hormones. Using Birth Control Patch Skip Period' title='Using Birth Control Patch Skip Period' />Take 2 pills on the day you remember and 2 pills the following day. Then continue taking one pill a day until the pack is empty. Use backup birth control for one month to ensure you do not become pregnant. If you missed two Loestrin 2. Your menstrual cycle will likely be thrown off and you may not have your period this month. Contact your doctor or Physician if you miss 2 periods in a row because you may become pregnant. Throw out the remainder of the pack and start a new one. Use backup birth control for 7 days to ensure you do not become pregnant. If you missed three or more Loestrin 2. Your menstrual cycle will likely be thrown off and you may not have your period this month. Contact your doctor or Physician if you miss 2 periods in a row because you may become pregnant. Throw out the remainder of the pack and start a new one. Use backup birth control for 1 month to ensure you do not become pregnant. Please note that the above actions are a guideline only. Since every person is different, products and symptoms may vary, so follow the steps provided on your birth control package for the specific steps you should take. If you frequently forget to take your birth control pills as directed, contact your doctor and consider switching to another form of birth control. If you miss a reminder pill brown pill during the 7 day cycle it will have no effect, just skip it and continue with the rest of the pack until empty. Can you overdose on Loestrin If you overdose on Loestrin, by taking more doses than your doctor recommends, you may experience severe nausea, vomiting, unusual vaginal bleeding, and other negative effects. Contact your doctor to discuss further. If you are experiencing severe pains, such as passing out or having trouble breathing, call 9. Otherwise, US residents should call the Poison Help line at 1 8. Canada residents should call a provincial poison control centre. What to avoid while taking Loestrin. Ortho Evra Patch Uses, Dosage, Side Effects. Generic Name ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin transdermal EH thi nil ESS tra DYE ol and nor ell JESS tro minBrand Names Ortho Evra, Xulane The Ortho Evra brand name has been discontinued in the U. S. If generic versions of this product have been approved by the FDA, there may be generic equivalents available. What is Ortho Evra Ortho Evra is a contraceptive skin patch containing a combination of female hormones ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin that prevent ovulation the release of an egg from an ovary. This medicine also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. Ortho Evra skin patches are used as contraception to prevent pregnancy. Ortho Evra may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Important information. Your risk of serious blood clot may be higher with the use of Ortho Evra skin patches than with the use of birth control pills. Using hormonal birth control can increase your risk of blood clots, stroke, or heart attack, especially if you have certain other conditions, or if you are overweight. Smoking can greatly increase your risk of blood clots, stroke, or heart attack while using Ortho Evra. You should not use Ortho Evra if you smoke and are older than 3. You should not use Ortho Evra if you have any of the following conditions uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, a blood clotting disorder, diabetic problems with your eyes or kidneys, unusual vaginal bleeding, liver disease or liver cancer, severe migraine headaches, or if you have ever had breast or uterine cancer, a heart attack, a stroke, or a blood clot. Do not use Ortho Evra if you are pregnant or if you have recently had a baby. Before taking this medicine. Using Ortho Evra can increase your risk of blood clots, stroke, or heart attack. You are even more at risk if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or if you are overweight. Your risk of stroke or blood clot is highest during your first year of using birth control. Your risk is also high when you restart this medicine after not using for 4 weeks or longer. Smoking can greatly increase your risk of blood clots, stroke, or heart attack. Your risk increases the older you are and the more you smoke. You should not use Ortho Evra if you smoke and are over 3. Do not use Ortho Evra if you are pregnant. Stop using the medicine and tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant, or if you miss two menstrual periods in a row. If you have recently had a baby, wait at least 4 weeks before using Ortho Evra. You should not use Ortho Evra if you have abnormal vaginal bleeding that has not been checked by a doctor history of heart attack, stroke, or blood clot heart problems such as uncontrolled valve disorder, or a rhythm disorder that causes blood clots in the heart an inherited blood clotting disorder that causes your blood to clot more than normal untreated or uncontrolled high blood pressure problems with your eyes, kidneys or circulation caused by diabetes a history of hormone related cancer such as breast or uterine cancer liver disease or cancer orsevere migraine headaches with aura, numbness, weakness, or vision changes, especially if you are older than 3. Your risk of serious blood clot may be higher with the use of Ortho Evra skin patches than with the use of birth control pills. To make sure Ortho Evra is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have heart disease, high blood pressure a history of depression gallbladder disease diabetes ora history of jaundice caused by pregnancy or birth control pills. The hormones in Ortho Evra skin patches can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. This medicine may also slow breast milk production. Do not use if you are breast feeding a baby. How should I use Ortho Evra Use Ortho Evra patches exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not use more skin patches or wear them for longer than recommended by your doctor. You will apply your first patch on the first day of your period or on the first Sunday after your period begins follow your doctors instructions. Place the Ortho Evra patch on your skin and press it into place firmly for 1. Make sure the edges stick well. You will wear the patch for a full week. Apply the Ortho Evra patch to clean, dry skin on any of these areas the outside of your upper arm, your stomach, your buttocks, or your upper back. Do not apply the patch to skin that is broken or irritated, or to a skin area that may be rubbed by tight clothing such as a waistband. Remove the patch and apply a new one on the same day each week for three weeks in a row. At the end of the third week, remove the patch and do not apply a new one for 7 full days. Your period should start during this time Do not allow more than 7 days to pass before starting your next 3 week patch cycle. Check your Ortho Evra patch every day to make sure it is sticking well. If a patch comes loose or falls off, throw it away and apply a new one. You may need to use back up birth control, such as condoms or a spermicide, if a patch has been off for more than 2. Follow your doctors instructions. You may have breakthrough bleeding, especially during the first 3 months. Tell your doctor if this bleeding continues or is very heavy. If you need surgery or medical tests or if you will be on bed rest, you may need to stop using Ortho Evra for a short time. Any doctor or surgeon who treats you should know that you are using this medicine. While using Ortho Evra, you will need to visit your doctor regularly. After removing a skin patch fold it in half, sticky side in, and throw it away in a place where children and pets cannot get to it. Do not flush a used patch down the toilet. Store the skin patches at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Do not freeze or refrigerate. Keep each patch in its foil pouch until you are ready to apply it. Ortho Evra dosing information. Usual Adult Dose for Contraception The initial dosage of Ortho Evra patches for contraception is the placement of one patch on the skin of the upper outer arm, or abdomen, or buttocks, weekly for 3 weeks 2. A new Ortho Evra patch is placed on the skin one week after the last patch was removed. Regardless of withdrawal bleed presence, the new transdermal patch is placed on the skin the same day at any time as it was done in the previous cycle. If an Ortho Evra patch is partially or completed detached for less than 1 day up to 2. No backup contraception is needed. If this event occurs for more than 1 day 2. Backup contraception, such as condoms, spermicide, or diaphragm, must be used for the first week of the new cycle. In women switching from a combination oral contraceptive, begin use of the patch on the first day of withdrawal bleeding. If there is no withdrawal bleeding within 5 days of the last active hormone containing tablet, pregnancy must be ruled out. If the patch is placed later than the first day of withdrawal bleeding, but within the 7 days from the last oral active tablet, a second method of contraception non hormonal should be added for the first 7 days. In women with a miscarriage or a complete first trimester abortion, begin use of the patch immediately. An additional method of contraception would not be needed if therapy is started immediately.