Historian Did Hitler Have Reason To Hate The JewsHistory Articles, Holocaust Hype Articles, How The Jews Prompted A German Backlash HISTORIAN DID HITLER HAVE REASON TO HATE THE JEWSBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner Link To Real Zionist NewsSMPlease Help Support This Site Or Send Your Contribution To Brother Nathanael Kapner PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. THINGS-570.jpg?6' alt='10 Things I Hate About Me Pdf' title='10 Things I Hate About Me Pdf' />10 Things I Hate About Me Pdf10 Things I Hate About Me PdfTo be honest, Cross, most bosses arent like that. Even a lot of the good bosses Ive had in the past werent always pushing me to be better, giving me words of. Are Hate Crime Laws Necessary A shooting spree that left three AfricanAmericans dead in Oklahoma and the death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Things I Hate About You is een Amerikaanse film uit 1999 van Gil Junger. Karen McCullah Lutz en Kirsten Smith schreven het script dat is gebaseerd op het. NPRs Michel Martin talks with Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Project Director Heidi Beirich about raised concerns of an increase in hate crimes. Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS. God hates fags and all proud sinners Psalm 55. Repent or perish Luke 133. Believe on the Lord Jesus for remission of sins. For The Best. Alternative News Coverage. CLICK Rense. com. HereRESPECTED HISTORIAN RALF GEORG REUTH ARGUES THAT HITLER may have had a real reason to hate the Jews. Noted for his breadth of knowledge on World Wars I and II and its prominent figures, German historian Reuth has enjoyed much acclaim for his numerous books covering the World Wars era. In his new 2. 00. Recent Posts. Passwords are like underwear Keep them hidden using Azure MSI Low Code Development Platform LCDP love, hate rise. Things I Hate About You em Portugal 10 Coisas que Odeio em Ti e no Brasil 10 Coisas que Eu Odeio em Voc 1 uma srie teen baseada no filme de mesmo nome. Why I hate American Girl Dolls and why my daughter wont be getting one for Christmas this year. Things I Hate A Comedy Site Man oh man. There are a lot of dumb things I notice every day. Here are a few of them. Feel free to add your own. Hitlers Jewish Hatred Cliche and Reality, Ralf Georg Reuth recounts that Hitler blamed the Jews for both the collapse of the German economy and the Russian revolution. See Hitlers Judenhass Klischee und Wirklichkeit Purchase Here. Drawing on numerous archives, Reuth paints the social backdrop during Adolf Hitlers rise to power. Almost half of all German private banks were Jewish owned, writes Reuth, the stock exchange was dominated by Jewish stockbrokers, and almost half of the nations newspapers were Jewish run as were 8. Reuths groundbreaking book was reviewed in the June 1. Londons The Daily Mail in an article entitled, Has Historian Finally Discovered Real Reason For Hitlers Hatred Of JewsOf particular note is one of the comments attached to the article made by a British subscriber regarding Jewish influence in Pre WWII Germany I thought this was all fairly obvious. Indeed, Jewish control of the banks, the stockmarket, the press and commerce, is fairly obvious BUT to state this obvious fact OUT LOUD will have all the Jews breathing down our necks crying, Anti Semitism Thank God that finally a historian with repute among the general public has no fear of Jewish attempts to censor the truth. HITLER THE JEWISH STAB IN THE BACKBLAMING THE LOSS OF WORLD WAR I ON JEWISH FINANCIERS and the budding Weimar Republic at home, writes Ralf Georg Reuth, Hitler subscribed to the Stab In The Back theory which was growing in popularity in Germany in 1. The Stab In The Back theory attributed Germanys losing the war not to military defeat on the battlefield, but to the intentional sabotaging of the war effort by Jewish financiers, socialists, and international Bolsheviks. Hitler would later blame Jewish journalists who fled Nazi Germany for inciting belligerence against Germany leading to WWII. To Hitler and many others, it was left liberal politicians and supporters, German Jewish bankers and their international Jewish network, of the Weimar Republic who stabbed Germany in the back by signing the armistice on November 1. They would soon become known as the November Criminals. HITLER INCLUDED IN HIS LISTof November Criminals, the international Jewish bankers who financed and controlled the Weimar Republic. These Jewish bankers operated both out of Frankfort, known as the mother city of Jewish bankers, and abroad. Frankfort produced its Rothschilds, Lazards, Warburgs, Dreyfuses, Seifs, as well as sending to New York, Jacob Schiff, an agent for Walter Rothschild. The Jews of Germany, Marvin Lowenthal, 1. Thus, the Stab in the Back theory became hugely popular among Germans who found it impossible to swallow defeat. During the war, Adolf Hitler became obsessed with this idea, especially laying blame on Jews and Marxists in Germany for undermining the war effort. HITLER AND THE JEWISH COMMUNISTSWITH WORLD WAR ONE LOSTand Germany in financial ruin, Hitler came to view the Jews as solely responsible for the growth of Bolshevism, writes Reuth. In his book, Reuth quotes Nobel prize winning novelist, Thomas Mann, who equated the Bolshevik revolution in Russia with the Jews. Continuing, Reuth writes When a Soviet Republic Munchner Raterepublik was declared briefly in Munich in 1. Hitler to point to the Jews as bearing responsibility for the nations ills. Hitler saw that many German Jews played prominent roles in the growing communist movement, which was against everything Hitler the nationalist stood for. Two events Germanys defeat of the war due to Jewish financial intrigues together with the Russian revolution and its threat to Germany shaped Hitlers views of Jews and his subsequent plan to rid Germany of them all. View Entire Story. Here. A defining moment in the political formation of Adolf Hitler, was the January 1. Spartacus Uprising Spartakusaufstand in Berlin. The prominent figure in the uprising was the communist Jew, Rosa Luxemburg. Luxemburg, along with other left wing Jews including Karl Liebknecht, founded the socialist Spartacus League Spartakusbund in 1. During the war, Luxemburg drafted the Spartacus programme, Leitsatze, which called upon socialists to turn the nationalist conflict in Germany into a revolutionary war with international consequences. View Entire Story. Here Here. THE LESSON FOR TODAYWHILE NOT ADVOCATING VIOLENCE against any specific group, a solution to the Jewish Question must be arrived at. For as Reuth points out, and it is certainly applicable today, Pre WWII Germany saw a tremendous rise of Jewish influence in every sphere of its societal infrastructure. This overwhelming Jewish influence is indeed the situation we now find ourselves in today both in America and in Europe. The question remains, What can we do about this preponderance of Jewish influenceJews are the most organized power bloc in the world. Thus, to combat Jewish supremacy, Gentiles must ALSO become an organized power bloc. The Jewish occupied media have convinced the Gentiles that the one organization that can oppose them, the historic Christian Church, not the Zionist Protestant innovation, is an institution to be shunned. Thus, many Gentiles will say, I dont believe in organized religion. This is a piece of Jewish brainwashing exactly what the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion planned. But Jews do believe in organized religion, their own synagogue. The synagogue of the Jews is called in the Bible, The Synagogue of Satan. The Church, however, the Bible calls, The New Jerusalem, that is, The City of Peace. Thus, if Gentiles, who once loved going to Church, can get organized, whether in Church buildings, home groups, or foundations, they can STOP the Jews from taking over America and all the nations that host them. For More See How The Jews Prompted A German Backlash. Node Js Php Serialize Object there. Click Here. And Germanys Forbidden Words. Click Here. And Neo Nazi Rise In Germany Frightens Jews. Click Here. And Jewish Bankers Their Agenda. Click Here. And Jewrys Scheme For World Domination. Click Here. And The Jewish Question Is Now A Global Issue. Click Here. And Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion Fulfilled Click Here. CLICK Brother NathanaelStreet Evangelist Please Help Support This Site Or Send Your Contribution To Brother Nathanael Kapner PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. Brother Nathanael July 5, 2. Why I hate Long Island with all my heart and soul. Those people who talk about cities like Detroit being the worst places to live have clearly never been to Long Island. Having been a lifelong native here, I can say without any shadow of doubt that this fish shaped extension of sewage material, located due east of Manhattan, is one of the most intolerable, despicable, grimy, disgusting, vile, evil, filthy, overpopulated mounds of fecal matter to ever bedevil the history of man. WELCOME TO HELLAfter traveling to over 3. Ive come to believe that Long Island uniquely exemplifies everything thats wrong with this country. The exorbitant costs of living, the utterly corrupt police departments, the pothole riddled streets, a populace with disturbingly schizophrenic leanings, the high taxation, the list goes on and on. In a way, you could say Long Island is the kind of place that offers all the downsides of New York City, with none of the upside. Long Island natives have an unusual proclivity for bipolar behavior, a reality that made my time growing up here a less than pleasant one. Hot one day, cold the next. Nice one day, a stone of rudeness the next. There was no consistency to the way people acted. I thought it was just me, but my mother told me her experience had been the same when she was a child, having been a former NYC native before moving further out east to Suffolk County, and recalling how utterly bewildered she was as well by Long Islanders neurotic behavior. I should mention, while Brooklyn and Queens is technically a part of Long Island, they are actually boroughs of New York City, retaining a distinctive difference in culture that remains separate from the suburban sprawls of Nassau and Suffolk County. It is these two specific counties that make Long Island what it is, and to which I reserve my unrepentant, vitriolic hatred for. It wasnt just my mother and me who noticed the peculiar behavior of the natives. Anyone I spoke to that was from out of town made the same observations  Man, people are crazy here. Must be something in the water. It didnt matter where they came from either. Ive met foreign exchange students, people from Europe, people from out of state, even people from nearby Manhattan, and their reactions were nearly always the same. They ALL blamed the water too. One of the things that clued me in to why Long Island natives were such a mentally unstable, psychotic bunch was a little factoid I learned back when I was taking Psychology 1. My professor had mentioned in passing that Long Island had the largest percentage of mental institutions per square mile than anywhere else in the country. Literally. Well, that certainly answered a few questions. Over time I had to learn not to take the natives rude and unstable attitudes personally, but it was one of the reasons my introverted personality became even more introverted as I grew up. I had very few friends during my childhood, filtering out the typical crazies, and holding on to the rare few whose minds were still sound for as long as I could. The only thing crazier than Long Islanders are Long Islanders who are teenagers, and indeed, I met some of the strangest and most bizarre people I have ever met in my life during my high school years. I remember one in particular during my junior year, a friend of my then best friend, who once got funky with his girlfriends mom in the backseat of her car while her father filmed the whole thing from the front seat. Why dont you take a seat right over thereWhen I discovered that from the news no less I decided then that I had more than enough exposure to the human race, and it was time to close ranks and isolate myself before The Crazy got me too. Being a recluse was a small price to pay in order to preserve my sanity in an insane place. This craziness also spills over into the roads too. The irrational and inconsistent behavior of the motorists has led me to endlessly deal with traffic split up between drivers who like to go 4. MPH usually in the left lane and those who like to go 8. MPH, with nothing in between. This is why people who drive in front of me are always going too slow while those behind me are always going too fast. I get sandwiched these two extremes during my daily commute, such that I can never use cruise control even when the traffic is moving. Im not even dealing with the worst of it either due to working odd hours, so Im able to commute without enduring LIs infamous rush hour traffic. Rush hour here is a whole nother fresh set of hell that only drivers in Los Angeles could begin to understand. I wish I could drive to work this way. The overwhelming population and volume of traffic on Long island is so bad that most locals including me plan our outings based on traffic patterns. Timing is everything, and if you miss your chance, be prepared to spend three times as much time on the roads as you originally planned to, dealing with every crazy with and without a drivers license under heaven. Only those who venture out at the crack of dawn or at 3. Star Wars Battlefront Files Website Designers. AM will be spared the worst of the agony. Its even more unbearable in the summer, when school lets out and unleashes a horde of terrifying teenagers flooring mommy and daddys car into the red zone, along with a plague of old fogies arriving here from Florida to spend the summer and clog the roads with their Cadillacs, driving just as uber slow as the teens drive uber fast. Until I started traveling to other states, I was always left with the impression that Long Island traffic wasnt really unique, that it was just a fact of life for any area of the country with a heavy population density. But now, having driven on roads in over 3. I can truthfully say traffic on Long Island is in a class of its own. Drivers can be jerkwads no matter where you go, but what I learned from driving outside of Long Island was how more predictable and consistent motorists were. Even more intriguing, if they saw you coming, especially in the left lane, they almost always moved out of the way. On Long Island, I have to laugh at people who flashed their lights at cars ahead of them because it proved they were obviously from out of town. The net result from flashing your lights is that the guy in front of you either blithely ignores you or slows down even more out of pure spite. We have no fast lanes here, even when traffic is light, because there are always slow pokes cluttering up the roads and threatening the safety of everyone by literally driving BELOW the minimum speeds on parkways. It results in a lot of frustrated drivers cutting in and out of lanes just to get around these virtual roadblocks, and its also why a pleasant cruise to nowhere in particular is always an impossibility. No room for cruise control hereAnd even if Long Island wasnt a traffic nightmare, theres really no place for me to go. Long Island is just ugly. The myriad number of towns here belie the reality that its all one big indiscriminate suburban sprawl of cement and congested roads. Theres very little to distinguish one townvillage from the next,  and because of that theres very little sense of community too. Instead, we have micro cliques that either have their roots in childhood or are borne out of living in the same neighborhood for many years. Its very unlike the small towns and even cities that Ive traveled to, many of which tend to have this Cheers like atmosphere, where everyone knows your name and theyre always glad you came.