Apps Oracle FNDLOAD Script Examples. PLEASE USE THIS LINK FOR FNDLOAD ON APPS2. FUSION. COMIn this article I wish to give real working examples of Oracles FNDLOAD utility. Besides that, I have included some useful notes on FNDLOAD utility. I have used FNDLOAD successfully in past for several different entitiesdata types within Oracle 1. Some of the examples in this FNDLOAD article include FNDLOAD to transfer Request Groups. FNDLOAD for moving Concurrent Programs. FNDLOAD to download and upload Forms Personalizations or Personalisations depending on where you are located To FNDLOAD Web ADI, visit the link Web ADI FNDLOADUse FNDLOAD for transferring value set definitions. Please note that when transferring Key Flex Fields and Descriptive flex fields the respective value sets against each segment will be extracted and loaded automatically. Also, FNDLOAD can be used to migrate Key Flex. Fields, Descriptive Flexfields, Responsibilities and almost every other FND entity. Please note that the text written down here could get wrapped in the browser. Hence you may have to use to continue the single line command on Unix, in case you find the lines wrapping. In my case I am ensuring that CLIENTAPPSPWD has the apps password before running the scripts To FNDLOAD Request groups. FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD O Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXMYREPORTGROUPNAME. REQUESTGROUP REQUESTGROUPNAMEXXMYREPORTGROUPNAME APPLICATIONSHORTNAMEXXGMSNote that lt will be your Application Shortname where request group is registered XXMYREPORTGROUPNAMEWill be the name of your request group To upload this Request Group in other environment after having transferred the ldt file. FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD O Y UPLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. To FNDLOAD Concurrent Programs. FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD O Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. Best Of Simon Garfunkel Zip on this page. XXCUSTOMORACLEINTERFACEPROG. PROGRAM APPLICATIONSHORTNAMEXXGMS CONCURRENTPROGRAMNAMEXXCUSTOMORACLEINTERFACEPROGNote that XXGMS will be your custom GMS Application Shortname where concurrent program is registered XXCUSTOMORACLEINTERFACEPROGWill be the name of your request group XXCUSTOMORACLEINTERFACEPROG. To upload. FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD O Y UPLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXCUSTOMORACLEINTERFACEPROG. Manual De Autocad 2011 Pdf here. To FNDLOAD Oracle Descriptive FlexfieldsFNDTOPbinFNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXPOREQHEADERSDFF. DESCFLEX APPLICATIONSHORTNAMEPO DESCRIPTIVEFLEXFIELDNAMEPOREQUISITIONHEADERSNote that PO is the Application Shortname against which descriptive flexfield against PO Headers is registered POREQUISITIONHEADERSis the name of Descriptive Flexfield against PO Requisition Headers Use the SQL below to find the name of DFF, rather than logging into the screen ooops via jinitiator SELECT applicationid, DESCRIPTIVEFLEXFIELDNAME, applicationtablename FROM fnddescriptiveflexsvl WHERE APPLICATIONTABLENAME like upper tabname ORDER BY APPLICATIONTABLENAME To upload into another environmentFNDTOPbinFNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y UPLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXPOREQHEADERSDFF. OK another example for DFF against FNDLOOKUPSFNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXFNDCOMMONLOOKUPSDFF. DESCFLEX APPLICATIONSHORTNAMEFND DESCRIPTIVEFLEXFIELDNAMEFNDCOMMONLOOKUPS OK another example for DFF against Project Accounting Expenditure Types. FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXPAEXPENDITURETYPESDESCFLEXDFF. DESCFLEX APPLICATIONSHORTNAMEPA DESCRIPTIVEFLEXFIELDNAMEPAEXPENDITURETYPESDESCFLEX To FNDLOAD Oracle MenusFNDTOPbinFNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD O Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. ICXPORSSPHOME. MENU MENUNAMEICXPORSSPHOMENote that Oracle Menus are not attached to applications. Hence no need to include application short name ICXPORSSPHOME is the menu name. This can be validated via below SQL select usermenuname from fndmenusvl where menuname ICXPORSSPHOME Also note that we do not pass in the Usermenuname in this example OK, now to upload this fileFNDTOPbinFNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD O Y UPLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. ICXPORSSPHOME. Well, now for FND Messages to download a single message. ZAWWW-2st1_2-l08_tresc-1_0_11.png' alt='How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps' title='How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps' />In todays post I will discuss on steps you should doneed for Oracle Apps R12 installation. Most of these steps are written w. Installation on Linux but I. Apps Technical 0 Apps Technical interview questions and 12 answers by expert members with experience in Apps Technical subject. Discuss each question in detail for. LxId7Dg/UcpkowuHLRI/AAAAAAAAAJA/3JrBhFC5gAw/s1600/cp1.png' alt='How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps' title='How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps' />FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXICXPORLIFECYCLEPAYTIP. FNDNEWMESSAGES APPLICATIONSHORTNAMEICX MESSAGENAMEXXICXPORLIFECYCLEPAYTIP Or you may as well download all the messages within an application. FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXALLGMSMESSAGES0. FNDNEWMESSAGES APPLICATIONSHORTNAMEXXGMS now to upload using FNDLOADFNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y UPLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. How To File A Case In Labour Court In Uae here. XXICXPORLIFECYCLEPAYTIP. Now its the turn of Lookup values. Again, its not a rocket science. FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y DOWNLOAD aflvmlu. XXTRXBATCHSTATUS. FNDLOOKUPTYPE APPLICATIONSHORTNAME XXGMS LOOKUPTYPEXXTRXBATCHSTATUS Note that XXTRXBATCHSTATUS is the name of FND Lookup Type in this example This will download all the lookup codes within the defined lookup To upload. FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y UPLOAD aflvmlu. XXTRXBATCHSTATUS. Oracle Application DBA 11i Interview Questions II 1I am applying a patch, can I open another session and run adadmin Ans Yes, unless you are running a process. Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010, and since that time Oracles hardware and software engineers have worked sidebyside to build fully integrated systems and. Oracle apps Concurrent Program Registration and add it to request group. Introduction This query helps to get concurrent program details of to which responsibility attached and request group information. Thought it would. Oracle EBusiness Suite Free Access Practice Instance February 24, 2011 438 pm What is Oracle Apps ERP Basic Concepts February 17, 2011 1009 pm. You can also move the User definitions from FNDUSER FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXFNDUSERPASSI. FNDUSER USERNAMEANILPASSIDo not worry about your password being extracted, it will be encrypted as below in ldt fileBEGIN FNDUSER ANILPASSI  OWNER PASSIA  LASTUPDATEDATE 2. Implementing iRecruitment iRecruitment Implementation What type of user does iRecruitment support iRecruitment supports the following types of users. Oracle XML Publisher is a templatebased publishing and reporting solution delivered with the Oracle EBusiness Suite. E23943_01/integration.1111/e10537/img/aoa_cp11_part1.gif' alt='How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps' title='How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps' />Form Functions attached to a Responsibility. Using the below Query we can get all the form functions that are attached to a Responsibility including Sub Menus and. U9o-XJbm4oI/Uqn1jHI-HiI/AAAAAAAAAL0/25XJvnLOC-Q/s1600/moac_4.png' alt='How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps' title='How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps' />How To Create A Concurrent Program In Oracle AppsENCRYPTEDUSERPASSWORD ZGE4. A8. A9. BE5. CF4. C6. 25. B9. 9CAEDF1. C3. 4FEA2. 44. DC7. A  SESSIONNUMBER 0To upload the FNDUSER using FNDLOAD command use FNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD 0 Y UPLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. XXFNDUSERPASSI. Notes for using FNDLOAD against FNDUSER 1. After uploading using FNDLOAD, user will be promoted to change their password again during their next signon attempt. All the responsibilities will be extracted by FNDLOAD alongwith User Definition in FNDUSER 3. In the Target Environment, make sure that you have done FNDLOAD for new responsibilities prior to running FNDLOAD on users. Now lets have a look at the profile option using oracles FNDLOADFNDLOAD appsCLIENTAPPSPWD O Y DOWNLOAD FNDTOPpatch1. PORENABLEREQHEADERCUST. PROFILE PROFILENAMEPORENABLEREQHEADERCUST APPLICATIONSHORTNAMEICX Note that PORENABLEREQHEADERCUST is the short name of profile option We arent passing the user profile option name in this case. Validate using. select applicationid, PROFILEOPTIONNAME profileoptionid USERPROFILEOPTIONNAME from FNDPROFILEOPTIONSVL where PROFILEOPTIONNAME like upper profileoptionname order by PROFILEOPTIONNAME Now to upload.