Joan Tollifsons List of Recommended Books. This list of recommended authors and books is in no way intended to be a comprehensive, definitive or authoritative list of nondual or spiritual books. Im not endorsing every single word spoken or written by any of these authors including Joan Tollifson. Over the years that Ive offered this list, my own sensibilities have changed, and my response to some of these books might be different if I read them again today. The list includes books from a variety of different perspectives, and in many cases, they contradict each other. Some of them say that life including you and your whole spiritual journey is nothing but a dream like illusion, while others say this present happening is all there is. Some insist that there is nothing to do other than exactly what is happening, while others offer some kind of apparent process, practice or method for waking up. Some seem to suggest that you have the power of choice, while others say that everything is the result of infinite causes and conditions and that there is no one apart from this whole happening to direct or control it. Listen to, or download, The Urantia Book. Free Mp3. Click the link above to download All Is Well 3. MB by Michael W Smith Lyrics All is well all is well Angels and men rejoice For tonight darkness fell. Front%20Cover.jpg' alt='Above All Michael Smith Free Mp3 Download' title='Above All Michael Smith Free Mp3 Download' />Some say liberation is found in the realization of complete impermanence while others insist it comes with the recognition of that which never changes. Who has it right What should you believeDownload the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Content/demonstracoes/above-all-v-3.jpg' alt='Above All Michael Smith Free Mp3 Download' title='Above All Michael Smith Free Mp3 Download' />No words or concepts can capture reality. Maps are useful, but they can only describe and point to the territory itself. Hikvision Dvr Firmware Upgrade. Eating the meal is what nourishes you, not reading the menu. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind. Dont believe anything you read, and be aware of the difference between what you can actually know for sure and a metaphysical idea that you are hypnotized into believing. Question, look, listen, and see for yourself. The book that wakes you up one day may lull you to sleep the next. Always be ready to see something new and unexpected. J. T. PLEASE NOTE These recommendations are periodically updated or revised. If youve been here before, refresh or reload the page to be sure you are getting the most current version. Youre welcome to link to this page, but please do not re publish this list anywhere else. JOAN TOLLIFSON Nothing to Grasp2. Painting the Sidewalk with Water Talks and Dialogs about Nonduality 2. Awake in the Heartland The Ecstasy of What Is 2. Bare Bones Meditation Waking Up from the Story of My Life 1. My books are about waking up from the imaginary problems created by conceptual thought and discovering the aliveness and immediacy of the awaring presence and the present happening that is effortlessly showing up here now. My books always encourage the reader to investigate directly rather than holding onto beliefs or ideas. All my books include material drawn from my own life, and several of them are wholly or partly in the form of personal narrative or memoir. At the same time, all of them are about seeing through the stories of our lives and waking up from the belief that we are an autonomous, separate individual who is authoring our thoughts and making our decisions. These books all invite the discovery that the body and the person and everything else are actually ever changing, fluid events inseparable from the rest of the universe. My books explore questions of identity and free will, as well as many of the commonplace issues people face in everyday life such as addiction, depression, anxiety, anger, uncertainty, illness and disability, difficult neighbors and so on. My aim is not to cure all these things, but simply to be awake to them, as they are. A fifth book is in the works that explores death, growing old, the end of the search for transcendence, and the embrace of groundlessness and not knowing. All my books point to the simplicity and immediacy of right here, right now, just as it is, and they invite a kind of meditative exploration that is direct, non methodical and awareness based. Readers have expressed appreciation for the honesty, clarity and humor in all of these books. More details here. TONI PACKER The Wonder of Presence The Light of Discovery Seeing Without Knowing What Is Meditative Inquiry The Silent Question Meditating in the Stillness of Not Knowing and The Work of This Moment Toni was my main teacher although she never used that word, and I never stop learning from her. I spent five years living and working at the retreat center she founded in northwestern New York, and we remained in touch until her death in 2. Toni was a former Zen teacher who began to question the rituals, beliefs, dogmas and hierarchy of traditional Zen. She was deeply affected by her contact with J. Krishnamurti, and she eventually left formal Zen practice behind. She continued to offer silent retreats, but in a much more open and bare bones way. Toni wasnt interested in the abstractions of metaphysics, philosophy or ideology, and her work was always rooted in present moment awareness, direct insight, and the breath and bones of ordinary life. The mind habitually wants comforting, feel good answers Toni provided none No matter what state dawns at this moment, can there be just that Not a movement away, an escape into something that will provide what this state does not provide, or doesnt seem to provide energy, zest, inspiration, joy, happiness, whatever. Just completely, unconditionally listening to whats here now, is that possible Toni asked questions rather than handing out answers. She was wonderful at waking you up to the wonder, simplicity and immediacy of the nondual absolute the wind in the trees, the swaying grasses, the chirp of a bird, the hum of the air conditioner, the listening silence being and beholding it all. There is a delicate subtlety and a spaciousness in her work, combined with a relentless ability to slice through all forms of self deception. Toni approached meditative inquiry with the curiosity of a scientisteverything had to be tested, seen directly, never taken on faith or on someone elses authorityand whatever was discovered could always be questioned, looked at anew, taken further. Toni was passionately interested in listening and looking without answers or formulas, and without relying on the authority of the past. Grub2 Themes Download. She had a keen eye for when the mind was turning insight into dogma or making something out of no thing. I recommend Toni for the open and explorative spirit that she so beautifully conveys, for the clarity with which she sees through all stories and beliefs, for her remarkable ability to point to the deepest truth in a way that is utterly alive and immediate, and for the nuanced subtlety of her expression. Toni was exceptionally good at clarifying the difference between awareness and thinking, and between direct perceiving and the abstractions of conceptual thought. She invites us to pay careful attention as choices and decisions unfold, to question what it is that gets defensive or hurt, to see if we can find the me at the center of our lives, the self that is supposedly thinking our thoughts and making our choices. Her work reveals that there is no self with individual free will, and yet at the same time, Toni never makes no self or no choice into a new and limiting dogma or belief. Instead, she invites us to be present and aware, to wonder and not know what is possible or not possible in this moment.