Android 8. 1 Features and APIs. Android 8. 1 API level 2. This document highlights whats new for developers. Android Oreo Go edition. Android Go is our initiative to optimize the Android experience for. Starting with Android 8. Android a great platform for entry level devices. Features in the Android Oreo. Get the latest Android developer news and tips that will help you find success on Google Play. Required Fields. HoorayGoogle Play Services is a proprietary background service and API package for Android devices. When first introduced in 2012, it provided simple access to the Google. Online APK Downloader Download APK files directly from Google Play to your computer and android device, fastest apk downloader, android data OBB downloader. 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Neural Networks API. The Neural Networks API provides accelerated computation and inference for on device machine. Tensor. Flow. LiteGoogles cross platform ML library for mobile. Caffe. 2 and others. Visit the Tensor. Flow Lite. repo for downloads and docs. Tensor. Flow Lite works with the Neural Networks API to run models like. Smart Reply efficiently on your mobile device. Autofill framework updates. Android 8. 1 API level 2. Autofill. Framework that you can incorporate into your apps. The Base. Adapter. Autofill. Options. This is useful for spinner. For example. you can use the set. Autofill. Options method to provide a string. Autofill services can use the string representation. Additionally, the Autofill. Manager. class includes the notify. View. Visibility. ChangedView, int, boolean method. Theres also an overload of the method for non. However, non virtual structures usually dont require you to. Android 8. 1 also gives Autofill Services more ability to customize the save UI. Custom. Description. Save. Info. Custom descriptions are useful to help the autofill service clarify what is. To learn more, see the. Custom. Description. UI when the Validator. To learn more, see the. Validator class along with its subclasses. Luhn. Checksum. Validator and Regex. Validator. Android 8. Apps can now only make a notification alert sound once per second. Alert sounds that exceed this. This change doesnt affect other aspects of notification. Notification. Listener. Service and. Condition. Provider. Service are not supported on low RAM. Android powered devices that return true when. Activity. Manager. Low. Ram. Device is called. Edit. Text update. Beginning with API level 2. Edit. Text. get. Text method returns an Editable previously. Char. Sequence. This change is. Editable implements. Char. Sequence. The Editable interface provides valuable additional. For example, because Editable also. Spannable interface, you can apply markup to. Edit. Text. Programmatic Safe Browsing actions. By using the Web. View implementation of the Safe Browsing API, your app can. Web. View attempts to navigate. URL that Google has classified as a known threat. By default, the. Web. View shows an interstitial that warns users of the known threat. This screen gives users the option to load the URL anyway or return to a. In Android 8. 1, you can define programmatically how your. You can control whether your app reports known threats to Safe. Browsing. You can have your app automatically perform a particular actionsuch as. URL that Safe Browsing. Note For optimal protection against known threats, wait. Safe Browsing before you invoke a. Web. View objects load. Url method. The following code snippets show how you can instruct your apps instances of. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Full Torrent. Web. View to always go back to safety after encountering a. Android. Manifest. Web. View. Enable. Safe. Browsing. android valuetrue. My. Web. Activity. Web. View m. Super. Safe. Web. View. private boolean m. Safe. Browsing. Is. Initialized. protected void on. CreateBundle saved. Instance. State. Createsaved. Instance. State. m. Super. Safe. Web. View new Web. Viewthis. Super. Safe. Web. View. set. Web. View. Clientnew My. Web. View. Client. Safe. Browsing. Is. Initialized false. Super. Safe. Web. View. start. Safe. Browsingthis, new Value. Callbacklt Boolean. Override. public void on. Receive. ValueBoolean success. Safe. Browsing. Is. Initialized true. Log. eMYAPPTAG, Unable to initialize Safe Browsing. My. Web. View. Client. My. Web. View. Client extends Web. View. Client. Automatically go back to safety when attempting to load a website that. Safe Browsing has identified as a known threat. An instance of Web. View. calls this method only after Safe Browsing is initialized, so theres no. Safe. Browsing. HitWeb. View view, Web. Resource. Request request. int threat. Type, Safe. Browsing. Response callback. The true argument indicates that your app reports incidents like. Safe Browsing. callback. To. Safetytrue. Toast. Textview. Context, Unsafe web page blocked. Toast. LENGTHLONG. Video thumbnail extractor. The Media. Metadata. Retriever class has a new method, get. Scaled. Frame. At. Time, that finds. This is useful for generating thumbnail images from video. We recommend using this method rather than get. Frame. At. Time which can waste memory. For. example, a frame from a 4. K video would be a 1. MB bitmap, far larger than you. Shared memory API. Android 8. 1 API level 2. API. This class allows you to create, map, and manage an anonymous. You set the memory protection. Parcelable, you can easily pass it to another process through AIDL. The Shared. Memory. API interoperates with the. AShared. Memory facility in the NDK. Ragnarok Offline Private Server. AShared. Memory gives access. Its a great. way to share large amounts. Wallpaper. Colors API. Android 8. 1 API level 2. UI. You do this by creating a Wallpaper. Colors. object from a bitmap, a drawable, or by using three manually selected colors. You can also retrieve this color information. To create a Wallpaper. Colors. object, do either of the following. To create a Wallpaper. Colors. object by using three colors, create an instance of the Wallpaper. Colors. class by passing the primary, the secondary, and the tertiary color. The primary. color must not be null. To create a Wallpaper. Colors. object from a bitmap, call the from. Bitmap. method by passing the bitmap source as parameter. To create a Wallpaper. Colors. object from a drawable, call the from. Drawable. method by passing the drawable source as parameter. To retrieve the primary, secondary, or tertiary color details from the. To notify the system about any significant color changes in your live wallpaper. Colors. Changed. This method triggers an on. Compute. Colors lifecycle. Wallpaper. Colors. To add a listener for color changes, you can call the add. On. Colors. Changed. Listener method. You can. Wallpaper. Colors method. Fingerprint updates. The Fingerprint. Manager class has. FINGERPRINTERRORLOCKOUTPERMANENT The user has tried. FINGERPRINTERRORVENDOR A vendor specific fingerprint. Cryptography updates. A number of cryptography changes have been made with Android 8. New algorithms have been implemented in Conscrypt. The Conscrypt. implementation is preferentially used over the existing Bouncy Castle. New algorithms include. Algorithm. Parameters GCMKey. Generator AESKey. Generator DESEDEKey. Generator HMACMD5. Key. Generator HMACSHA1. Key. Generator HMACSHA2. Key. Generator HMACSHA2. Key. Generator HMACSHA3. Key. Generator HMACSHA5.