Denwer5.PNG.jpg' alt='Virt Install Os Variant List' title='Virt Install Os Variant List' />Complete List of Tcodes starting with RS in SAP BW SAP Net. Weaver Business Warehouse. I have seen many posts with more or less the same question Can any body please let me know the Transaction codes used by BW Developers or somethink like what are the common transaction codes used in BW of the pattern RS etc. In the below table I have tried to partly answer the above repetitive question by giving a list of all the transaction codes starting with RSin the BW system. The below list can also be obtained from the table TSTCT TABLE WHICH CONTAINS TRANSACTION CODES. Virt Install Os Variant List' title='Virt Install Os Variant List' />It can also be obtained by 1. GO TO SE9. 32. PRESS F4. IN THE SEARCH TYPE GIVE RSTO GET THE LIST OF TRANSACTION CODES STARTING WITH RS. A transaction code is always associated with an underlying program. In the below list I have given information on that as well. Please feel free to add on or correct the below list. Virt Install Os Variant List' title='Virt Install Os Variant List' />COMPLETE LIST OF TCODES STARTING WITH RS IN SAP BW TCODEProgram Name. Description. 1RS0. MENURS0. 0Start menu. RS0. 9RSAWBNREQTESTTBTransport Browser for BI Objects. RS1. 2RSENQRR2. Overview of master data locks. RS5. 0RSSMSM5. 0ALTOld SM5. RSA0. RSA1. ADMIContent Settings Maintenance. RSA1. RSAWBNSTARTModeling DW Workbench. RSA1. 0SAPLRSC3. Realtime Test Interface Srce System. RSA1. 1RSSTARTAWBDW Workbench Info. Provider Tree. 9RSA1. RSSTARTAWBDW Workbench Info. Source Tree. 10. RSA1. RSSTARTAWBDW Workbench Source System Tree. RSA1. 4RSSTARTAWBDW Workbench Info. Lantoucher Messenger Crack more. Object Tree. 12. RSA1. RSSTARTAWBDW Workbench Data. Source Tree. 13. RSA1. RSSTARTAWBDW Workbench Favorites Tree. RSA1. 7RSSTARTAWBDW Workbench General Search. I have seen many posts with more or less the same question Can any body please let me know the Transaction codes used by BW Developers or somethink like what are. RSA1. 8RSSTARTAWBDW Workbench Open Hub Destination. RSA1. GMRSABWSTARTNEWGM Demo in AWB Test Purposes Only. RSA1. OLDRSABWSTARTNEWBW Administrator Workbench old1. RSA2. RSA1. REPOLTP Metadata Repository. RSA3. SAPLRSFHExtractor Checker. RSA5. RSA1. BCINInstall Business Content. RSA6. RSA1. DSMAMaintain Data. Sources. 22. RSA7. RSA1. QMNTBW Delta Queue Monitor. RSA8. RSA1. HIMAData. VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high. Cisco CSR 1000v Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration GuideInstalling the Cisco CSR 1000v in KVM Environments. Virt Install Os Variant List' title='Virt Install Os Variant List' />Source Repository. RSA9. RSA1. APACTransfer Application Components. RSABAPSCStatistical Prog. Anal. for Search. RSABAUTHTransfer of Authorization Groups. RSABTPGPAuthorization Groups. RSADMINRSCALLRSADMINMAINTAINRSADMIN maintenance. RSADRTC7. 0TOADR1. RSADRTC7. 0TOADR1. Conversion of table TC7. ADR1. 13. 0RSANWBAnalysis Process Designer. RSANWBCRMATTRFill CRM Attributes. RSANWBEXECRSANPROCESSEXECUTEExecute Analysis Process. RSANWBIMPCalculation of Importance. RSANWBMONITORRSANPRRMONITORNOSELSCREENMonitor for Analysis Run. RSANWBSTARTALLRSANPRDSGNMAINTLOGOModel the Analysis Process. RSANWBSURVEYAnalysis Process Create Target Grp. RSANCLTVRSANCLTVMAINCLTV Modeling. RSANCLTV1. RSANCLTVFIGURES1. CLTV3. 9RSANRESPRSANRESPONSEMAINResponse Prediction Models. RSANRFMRSANRFMMAINRFM Modeling. RSANSALESPLCALLRSANCALLSALESPLANNINGExecute Sales Planning. RSANSURVSHOWRSANSURVSELECTIONBW Survey. RSANSURVTGRSANTGSHOWBW Survey Target Group Management. RSANVERIRSANVERIFYAnalysis Process Test Monitor. RSANWBTSTRSANWBTESTCHILDAnalysis Process Display Data. RSARCHADMINBW Archive Administration. RSARFCEXVariant for RSARFCEX4. RSASSIBTCHPLANRSMONASSISTANCESchedule Assistant in Background. RSATTRRSSTRUCHANGETRANSSTARTAttributeHierarchy Realignment Run. RSAUDITCBCEDisplay Locked Transactions. RSAUDITMBCEIMPOImport Overview. RSAUDITMBCESYSOSystem Overview. RSAUDITMBCETPLGATransport Monitor ALOG5. RSAUDITMBCETPLGSTransport Monitor SLOG5. RSAUSELECTEVENTSDisplay Audit Events Batch Proc. RSAWBRSAWBNSTARTDW Workbench Last View5. RSAWBSETTINGSDELRSAWBSETDELDelete user settings of the AWB5. RSB2. SAPLRSB1. Data Marts Generation Center. RSBATCHRSBATCHDIALOGManagement of RSBATCHSEARCHLOGS6. RSBBSSAPLRSBBS2. Maintaining BW Sender Receiver. RSBBSWEBSAPLRSBBSTransaction for the RRI in the Web. RSBCTMAACx. CBL Action Codes. RSBCTMADTMapping of Ext. Int. Document Type. RSBCTPBPCBRFRSBCTPBPCBRFMAINTMaintain BRF BI Plan. Appl. Class. 65. RSBCTPBPCSCENMaintain BRF BI Planning Scenario. RSBEBRRMXSTARTEXCELBusiness Explorer Browser. RSBICARSCONTENTCHECKMANBI Content Analyser. RSBMO2. SAPLRSBMO2. Open Hub Monitor. RSBOSAPLRSBOGUIOpen Hub Maintenance. RSBOH1. SAPLRSBOGUIOpen Hub Maintenance. RSBOH2. SAPLRSBOGUIOpen Hub Maintenance. RSBOH3. SAPLRSBOGUIOpen Hub Maintenance. RSBOEXTRACTRSBSPOKE1. Auth. Check Open Hub Extraction. RSBREAKPOINTSRSBREAKPOINTS7. RSBROWSERRSBROWSERBW Browser. RSBWREMOTERSCREATEBWREMOTECreate Warehouse User. RSBGUISTARTRSBGUISTARTEditing an Open Hub Destination. RSCATTAWBSAPMRSCATTAWBCATT Admin. Workbench. 79. RSCONANARSCONTENTCHECKMANBI Content Analyser. RSCONCHACONVERTCHANNELSChannel conversion. RSCONFAVCONVERTFAVOSFavorites Conversion. RSCRMDEBUGRSCRMBWDEBUGSet Debug Options. RSCRMISQRSCRMBWISQREGISTERRegister Infosets for Target Groups. RSCRMMDXRSCRMDISPLAYMDXEdit MDX8. RSCRMMONRSCRMBWEXMONITORMonitor Query Extracts. RSCRMSCENRSCRMSYSTEM4SCENARIOSETRegister Closed Loop Scenarios. RSCRMALERTMONITORRSCRMALERTLOGDisplay application log for recovery. RSCRMBAPIRSCRMBAPIREMOTEGeneration of Query Extracts. RSCRMREPORTRSCRMBAPIREMOTEBW Queries with ODBO to 2nd 0. B9. 0RSCRMREPORTOLDRSCRMREPORTBW Queries with ODBO to 2nd 0. B9. 1RSCRMRTUPDOFFRSCRMDISABLEODS4RTUPDATEDisable Real Time Update to ODS9. RSCRMRTUPDONRSCRMENABLEODS4RTUPDATEEnable Real Time Update to ODS9. RSCRTRSCRTDEMONMONITORBW Monitor Near Real Time Loading. RSCRMAINTPUBLISHMaint. Publishing Variables CRCE9. RSCRMAINTURLMaint. URL Variables for CRCE9. RSCSAUTHMaintainRestore Authorization Group. RSCURSAPLRSW1. Start Currency Translation Type. RSCUSTARSCALLCUSTOMMaintain BW Settings. RSCUSTA2. RSCALLCUSTOMODS Settings. RSCUSTV1. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 1. RSCUSTV1. 0RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 1. RSCUSTV1. 1RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 1. RSCUSTV1. 2RSCALLCUSTOMMicrosoft Analysis Services. RSCUSTV1. 3RSCALLCUSTOMRRI Settings for Web Reporting. RSCUSTV1. 4RSCALLCUSTOMOLAP Cache Parameters. RSCUSTV1. 5RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 1. RSCUSTV1. 6RSCALLCUSTOMBW Reporting. RSCUSTV1. 7RSCALLCUSTOMSettings Currency Translation. RSCUSTV1. 8RSCALLCUSTOMDB Connect Settings. RSCUSTV1. 9RSCALLCUSTOMInfo. Set Settings. 11. RSCUSTV2. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 2. RSCUSTV2. 1RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 2. RSCUSTV2. 3RSCALLCUSTOMAnalysis Authorization System. Manual Anclajes Hilti. RSCUSTV2. 4RSCALLCUSTOMQuantity Conversion Buffer Setting. RSCUSTV2. 5RSCALLCUSTOMDatabase InterfacePerformance. RSCUSTV2. 6RSCALLCUSTOMDatabase InterfacePerf. ORA1. 17. RSCUSTV2. RSCALLCUSTOMSet Standard Web Templates. RSCUSTV2. 8RSCALLCUSTOMDetermine Settings for Web Templates. RSCUSTV2. 9RSCALLCUSTOMSettings for Web Template. RSCUSTV3. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 3. RSCUSTV3. 0RSCALLCUSTOMLoad Distribution for Analys. Proc. 1. 22. RSCUSTV4. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 4. RSCUSTV5. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 5. RSCUSTV6. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 6. RSCUSTV7. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 7. RSCUSTV8. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 8. RSCUSTV9. RSCALLCUSTOMBW Customizing View 9. RSD1. RSDMRSDOCharacteristic maintenance. RSD2. RSDMRSDOMaintenance of key figures. RSD3. RSDMRSDOMaintenance of units. RSD4. RSDMRSDOMaintenance of time characteristics. RSD5. RSDMRSDOInternal Maint. Techn. Chars. 13. RSDANLCONSet Up Near Line Connections. RSDAPSAPLRSDADAPMAINTAINEdit Data Archiving Process. RSDASBROWSESAPLRSDASPERSISTLAYERBrowser for Data Access Services.