BP Multi Phase Design Manual Ebook download as PDF File. Text File. txt or read book online. Stockist of Boats Planes Cars and Helicopters from Parkzone, Hangar 9, EFlite, Spektrum, Futaba, HPI Racing, Traxxas. Eclipse 5. 00 Wikipedia. The Eclipse 5. 00 is a marketing name for the Eclipse Aerospace EA5. Americanbusiness jet aircraft originally manufactured by Eclipse Aviation and later produced by Eclipse Aerospace. The Eclipse 5. 00 became the first of a new class of Very Light Jets2 when it was delivered in late 2. The aircraft is powered by two lightweight Pratt Whitney Canada PW6. Fturbofan engines in aft fuselage mounted nacelles. Production of the Eclipse 5. October 2. 00. 8 due to lack of funding, and the company entered Chapter 1. November 2. 00. 8. The company then entered Chapter 7 liquidation on 2. February 2. 00. 9. After a lengthy Chapter 7 procedure, Eclipse Aerospace was confirmed as the new owner of the assets from former Eclipse Aviation on 2. August 2. 00. 9 and opened for business on 1 September 2. In October 2. 01. Eclipse Aerospace announced that they will put a new version of the aircraft, to be called the Eclipse 5. In April 2. 01. 5 Eclipse Aerospace was merged with Kestrel Aircraft to form One Aviation. Design and developmenteditThe Eclipse 5. Williams V Jet II, which was designed and built by Burt Rutans Scaled Composites in 1. Williams International. It was intended to be used as a testbed and demonstrator for their new FJX 2turbofan engine. The aircraft and engine debuted at the 1. Oshkosh Airshow. The V Jet II had an all composite structure with a forward swept wing, a V tail, each fin of which was mounted on the nacelle of one of the two engines. Williams had not intended to produce the aircraft, but it attracted a lot of attention, and Eclipse Aviation was founded in 1. X Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface Grinding' title='X Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface Grinding' />The prototype and only V Jet II aircraft was obtained by Eclipse Aviation along with the program, and was donated to the Experimental Aircraft Association Air. Venture museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in 2. Adaptation of V Jet II designedit. Eclipse 5. 00 flight test aircraft at Mojave. Flight test aircraft at Mojave. X Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface 3X Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface GrinderX Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface GrindersFounder and former Eclipse CEO Vern Raburn was one of the first business executives at Microsoft. Consequently, Bill Gates became a major stake holder in the Eclipse project. The VLJ concept has been pursued by a number of manufacturers, and because the V Jet II had been designed around one of the primary VLJ engines, Eclipse believed it was an ideal design to refine and market. The airframe was significantly redesigned as an all metal structure with a T tail and straight wings. The main cabin shape is essentially all that was retained from the V Jet II. It was recognized that for an aluminum structure to be cost effective, new manufacturing techniques would have to be developed. X Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface ProX Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface MountOne of the primary processes used was friction stir welding, in which the skin and underlying aluminum structure are welded together rather than riveted, as traditional for aluminum aircraft. Anti corrosion bonding techniques were also developed. Besides materials processes, the general process of building the airframe was redesigned, with techniques taken from the automotive industry. Traditionally, aircraft structure is mounted in a jig, and the skin is riveted onto the outside of it. For the Eclipse 5. The result is much more precise control of the aircrafts final shape, resulting in a cabin that is more robust and can be pressurized to a higher differential. In addition, the manufacturing techniques are designed so that one crew can assemble an airframe in a single shift. X Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface' title='X Plane Cirrus Jet Manual Surface' />The complete interior is designed to be installed on a moving assembly line in 4. Originally Eclipse selected a pair of Williams International EJ 2. FJ2. 2FJX 2 for the Eclipse 5. Pratt Whitney Canada agreed to participate in the project, and modified the design of their PW6. Pratt Whitney Canada PW6. F. The prototype Eclipse 5. Williams engines in 2. The redesign to incorporate the new engines resulted in a significant delay to the development program. The first flight of the Eclipse 5. December 3. 1, 2. An Eclipse press release says that its aircraft is the quietest jet aircraft and that it is quieter than virtually all multi engine turboprop and piston aircraft. Instrument paneleditThe Eclipse 5. Problems with the original configuration have involved a re design of the system. The first aircraft have the original system called Avio installed. Later aircraft have the Avio NG system in place of the original Avio. The new avionics package was certified in December 2. Avio equipped aircraft would be retrofitted to the same standard by the end of 2. Interior amenitieseditAt the time of its introduction the Eclipse 5. Cajun Dance Party The Colourful Life. A New York Times article on August 2. Will having a lavatory on board be the key factor in short flight success1. A July 2. 00. 6 NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams broadcast also discussed the issue of the Eclipse 5. Passengers needing to relieve themselves on the Eclipse 5. Eclipse Aviations CEO Vern Raburn suggested that most of his companys customers would be using the VLJ for short flights from 3. VLJ customers. 1. Rick Adam, CEO of now defunct Adam Aircraft Industries, disagreed and says, people are not going to get on a plane without a bathroom, at least they are not going to do it more than once. However, the new air taxi service companies, which made up the bulk of the Eclipse 5. The CEO of Day. Jet said that even if his company outgrew the Eclipse 5. CertificationeditThe Eclipse 5. FAA on 2. 7 July 2. PW6. 10. F engine was certified by the Canadian authorities. FAA Administrator Marion Blakey presented Raburn with the provisional certificate in a special ceremony at the 2. Oshkosh Airshow. Full certification was not granted at that time because the composite wing tip fuel tanks did not meet FAA lightning strike criteria. As a result, Eclipse started testing an improved wingtip fuel tank made from aluminum. Eclipse also started production of the 5. Full type certification was eventually achieved on 3. September 2. 00. 6. At that point, in addition to the five flying prototypes, 2. The 5. 00 type certificate allows the aircraft to be flown under IFR with a single pilot. The Eclipse 5. 00 was given an initial airframe life of 1. By carrying out additional fatigue testing Eclipse Aerospace was able to have the FAA raise this limit to 2. June 2. 01. 3. 1. Eclipse received its FAA production certificate on 2. April 2. 00. 7. Serial numbers 1 through 1. FAA inspection. Serial numbers 1. No. 5. 00. 1. 82. The aircraft received its certification for flight into known icing conditions on 2. June 2. 00. 8, although this is yet to be added to the current type certificate data sheet, which is Revision 2, 1. January 2. 00. 8. Investigation of certification issues. In June 2. 00. 8 the United States Congress tasked the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Transportation with the investigation of claims by Federal Aviation Administration employees who have indicated that the certification process of the Eclipse 5. Members of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, which represents FAA Aircraft Certification Engineers, have filed a grievance alleging that the type certificate was improperly issued by FAA managers over a weekend and that the aircraft had outstanding safety issues at that time. The FAA stated that it stands behind its certification of the jet. Then Eclipse CEO, Vern Raburn, stated the 5. FAA issue between workers and managers. The concerns expressed by the union representing the certification engineers included 2. FAA issued the 5.